Forest Game Gathering (Planning for Next Time)

Seed's picture
You! Yes, You! Have you ever felt the joy of playing a classical "game" in the forest, like devout pelt tag, redlight-greenlight, hide & go seek, or Simon Says? Have you ever found that these are slightly hard to signal to a group, simply because of context?

I've been there. I've been there a lot. And so one day I said, "we ought to hold a get-together, specifically for the playing of games." And then I said "We ought to make it a semi-regular thing, too, so people don't have to be stuck at one time."

So, that's what we're going to do...At the


When: Unknown

Who: Seed will act as Master of Ceremonies to direct and manage this whole thing for the week, to keep there from being mass chaos. His role is to signal for games unless someone else earns the right to signal a game, usually via victory.

It would be a great help if, when you join in, you post your deer's picto here. That way we can be sure to find you when hide-and-seeking or other games like that!

Where The gathering will meet by the side of the lake closest to the Twin Gods.

What: Playing games, of course! And for that, we turn to...

The Games

Devout Pelt Tag
Game Signal: Pawing at the Twin Gods Statue, then worshipping.
Game Progress: Signaler, henceforth "It," gets the devout pelt. All other deer run away. It chases after them and tries to cast the devout pelt spell on someone. If he does, the signaler ceases to be it, sneezes off the devout pelt, and gets a small head start on running away. The deer cast on is now It, and the game repeats.
Game Ends: When the spell is lost, or everyone gets bored.
Notes: The last deer un-devouted, or the first deer caught, can signal another round with them as It.

Devout Pelt Tag, Zombie Style
Game Signal: Pawing at the Twin Gods Statue, then roaring, then worshipping
Game Progress: Signaler is It, and gets the devout pelt and chases other deer as per regular devout pelt tag. However, when It casts the devout spell successfully, he does not sneeze it off. The cast-upon deer is also It, and will join with the original in trying to Devout-Pelt other players, who, if caught, will do the same. The objective for the Devouted Deer is to turn all players devout. The objective for the non-Devouted deer is to remain non-devouted until the spells wear off, or to be the last non-Devouted standing.
Game End: When either everyone playing is Devout, or everyone is Non-Devout.
Notes: The last deer un-devouted, or the first deer caught, can signal another round with them as It.

Flower Spar Dance Battle
Game Signal: Having default antlers, pawing the ground in a flowepatch, and dancing briefly
Game Progress: Everybody gets on the default antlers and dances. At the same time, they try and use the pick up flowers action...While pulling back to dancing or another move in their dance before they actually get flowers. When they actually get flowers, they are out of the game, but are welcome to continue dancing, of course. It's basically flower-sparring with dancing instead of fighting.
Game End: When everyone, or everyone except one deer, has flowers on.

Game Signal Facing a tree and pawing at it, then listening
Game Progress Signaler is It. When the signal is given and understood, all other players scatter to try and find hiding spots. It counts to 60 while the other players find hiding spots. A deer that finds a hiding spot can signal they are ready early by roaring. When It enters or sniffs the hiding spot, that deer is discovered. The discovered deer can join It in the hunt, or can just follow along -- their choice.
Game End: When Signaler gives up (via roar), or everyone is found.
Notes: The last deer discovered can signal another round with them as It.

Game Signal: Pawing the ground in a spot not already described, then spinning in place once, then pawing again.
Game Progress: Signaler is, as always, It. It stands some distance away, and waits for the other players to form as even a line as possible. The game cannot begin until the line is formed. Once the line is formed to It's satisfaction, It turns to face away from the other players. The players must slow-walk (no running, regular walking, or leaping) towards It. It may, at any moment, turn around. When that happens, all players must have stopped moving: and deer still moving when It has fully turned around is out of the game. Then It turns around again and the process repeats until a player gets the gold aura with It.
Game End: When a player reaches It.
Notes The deer that reaches It can signal another round with them as It.

Simon Says
Game Signal: Go up to the raised box in the room of the Ruins facing the idol line, turn to face everyone, and bow.
Game Progress: the Signaler does an action, and everyone must try and repeat it as closely as possible.
Game End: When the Signaler gets bored, bows again, and hops off.
Notes: When the signaler leaves the pedastal, anyone may signal another round, until we're ready to leave as a group.

Please, chime in to help us plan a fun game opportunity! This can be to even suggest the removal or modification of games, or with issues beyond my queries. (Note: a single Game Gathering doesn't have to play all these games) I actually have more game ideas, even. But let's start small-ish.
Nayu's picture

You should stay determined,

You should stay determined, I'm supporting this idea and will bump the tread more often.
Sometime next month would be awesome!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Seed's picture

Well, how about a week from

Well, how about a week from now -- Saturday the 30th?
Nayu's picture

On skinny-dipping day?

On skinny-dipping day? Cruhuhu, I'm in!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
HexStag's picture

~Stalking ^o^ its going to be

^o^ its going to be on skinny dip day?
Seed's picture

Oh, it's skinny-dip day?

Oh, it's skinny-dip day? Maaybe not then, then...
See? This is why I asked.
I have DND that Sunday...How's that Friday sound?
HexStag's picture

Friday sounds good, you

Friday sounds good, you should maybe ask the community as a whole. Its a good thing you have something going on Sunday because usually on Sundays most people arent on due to church and other sunday events.
Seed's picture

Well, that's what this thread

Well, that's what this thread is for.
Nayu's picture

Friday is fine by me. I'll be

Friday is fine by me. I'll be there anyway.

Bumping the place *rolls all over the page in a pink bikini*.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Seed's picture

Why the bikini?...Well, I

Why the bikini?...Well, I suppose I have one of those little swimsuit-dress combo, if swimsuits are needed for bumping.
Nayu's picture

^Bikinibump? It's the new

^Bikinibump? It's the new trend, I'm surprised you're not aware of it.


Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Seed's picture

I'm not terribly active in

I'm not terribly active in threads that need bumps.
Nayu's picture

The trend is dying already

The trend is dying already anyway, fashion is so fickle.
Of course. I'm absolutely not bumping this thread either.
I just wanted to bikiroll on your page and show off my gorgeous body.


Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Seed's picture

Heh. That's great. Anyway,

Heh. That's great.

Anyway, bump!
DEERTH's picture

This would be totally awesome

This would be totally awesome and fun, but unfortunately, my computer's broken. Sad :( Sad

And Nayu, that was totally rofl!!!
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin

Seed's picture

There'll probably be others,

There'll probably be others, don't worry ^^
Pegasicorn's picture

If my sister leaves early

If my sister leaves early enough, I may or may not be able to make it.
Seed's picture

It'll basically go until it

It'll basically go until it stops (wow, vaguest explanation ever), so it's OK to show up late.

Anyway, so we start in an hour. The Chief Signaler and Master of Ceremonies (Seed), will probably get online 15 minutes early and sit around. Maybe form a danceline.

Interesting. I'll join. I'll


I'll join. I'll be using Xet.
Seed's picture

I figure in a minute, we'll

I figure in a minute, we'll finish waiting and start playing with the size we have.
Spyrre's picture

Sounds fun, I might join in

Sounds fun, I might join in sometime. =)
My picto is in my avatar or in here.

Agh, seems like my computer likes to freeze in chasing and such. Sorry.
Seed's picture

It's OK. We're starting

It's OK. We're starting hide-and-seek now, which should help if you still want to play...

Edit: Well, OK, we were playing hide-and-seek. Now we're just sort of silly-dancing. Sustainable playground games for two is tricky, after all.

OK! Since we ran out of people who would be playing, and only had 2 at the best of seconds (besides Seed), I think we're calling this event...Over for today.
And kinda unsuccessful.
The good: I got to meet a new friend! And Xet and Seed played a few games, and we managed to rope people who didn't know or care about game sessions into playing Flower Dance Battle. When Scape showed up and the Conga Line died down, we got in another round. Yaaay!

The Bad:...Yeah. Not a big turnout.

The Things I could do: I think scheduling and awareness were problems here. As well as not having a good supply of two-person games. I can fix scheduling, but I'm running low on game ideas and don't know how to fix awareness. Any ideas, anybody?

Well, spell tag could work as

Well, spell tag could work as a two-person game, I think... It's a very simple game but I always enjoy it x)

The game signal could be casting a mask spell on someone and running away (maybe pawing at the ground too? I'm not sure)
Basically, the game is just about two or more deer chasing and trying to spell each other. I guess it ends until everyone gets bored xD

(It doesn't have to be only with mask spells, but it's the fastest spell. I mean, for the antlers you have to rub the tree, then eat the pinecone, and for the pelts sometimes it takes a long time... Masks are easier ;D)

The only downsides are that if someone has a bad or slow connection, they would get caught easier... x.X
Nayu's picture

I wanted to be there, but

I wanted to be there, but feel so tired playing is the last thing on my mind. I'll be there next time for sure. xd
Maybe you should do a new blog for each session(deleted later), like some do for their livestream, this thread would then serves to explain the game rules only, try to change the name of the tread, put less text maybe ( It can be discouraging to read through it all), make a poll for which games should be played next time, add screenshots if you took some? I'm just spouting ideas, though in my current state of exhaustion I'm not sure if I can be of any help.

Good luck!
Don't be discouraged.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Nayu's picture

double post

double post Sad

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Nayu's picture



Siggy by Butterbrot <3

omg games! -big eyes-

omg games! -big eyes- awesome! Laughing out loud -so tracking-
Seed's picture

Well, since this is

Well, since this is generating some intrest again... Would anyone be up for a revival, maybe next weekend-like?

Winter Break is coming up, so maybe we can really get this on its hooves this time! Besides, it's a good way for deer to meet each-other.