Foo fiffle diffle doofles <<;

Anzel's picture
Okay, silly Anzel MINIMIZED it and therefore crashed it before she awoke, BUT...

I've learned one thing about my odd glitch: It registers movement.

It seems to know that more deer are there than it shows, and sometimes, it flashes them on the screen. I took lots of screenies. I saw a party of 3 near the rocks, heh.

I may post screenies later...right now, it's time to try and reload the game <<;

So if you spot me, by a miracle, let me know Sticking out tongue

EDIT: I saw Dannii's deer :3 But then their picto turned into mine, so...yeah...

If you spotted me, and I saw you, too, I'll post a screenie with you in it Sticking out tongue

Suddenly, a deer with candle antlers and a skelly pelt or whatever appeared <<; Rawr.
Anzel's picture

Hehe. Even though I dunno if

Hehe. Even though I dunno if you can see me...I can see all of you, pond dwellers! *dances with you in her solitude*

I'm odd :3 Ignore this diary if you think I'm insane.

ZOMG!!!! I was in the pond

Shocked ZOMG!!!! I was in the pond just a few minutes ago!! WERE YOU WATCHING ME!? >.>;; *shifty eyes* I wasnt dancing...I was laughing at their attempts to dance...And I SO did NOT fall in headfirst!! *shiftyyyy eyesss*

-- Dannii
Anzel's picture

Are you the one in the real

Are you the one in the real deer mask? Because that one had my picto.

I saw the little fawn and the big deer dancing, and I joined in...and I heard more music than normal, fwee...

Then I ran off, returned, of the deer had gone, the real deer mask one was running deeper into the pond, and the fawn was still dancing.

*loathes the glitch*

Sorry if I didn't seem too responsive ^^; My glitch prevents me from communication, ah well.

EDIT: *checks your picto* Your picto's familiar, hmm...*searches through screenies*