I woke up to the howling of wolves…As a gentle cold fog blew softly over me, hearing the coos of owls and waking to see the bats. I rose and stretched and I was alone. I walked slowly through the forest enjoying it and calm, I heard footsteps of another deer coming my way…. I ran up to it but it took off scared of the howls, But I I knew it was ok for wolves were my friends I heard more footsteps and went to see some more deer, and then I saw none I simply gave up just to relax so I ran to the big tree. I just felt cold inside feeling well today. As the bats swirled past me while I was on my way,
I met some fawns when I came playing in the tree with their magic coats I felt happy to see them play I came in and welcomed them with a bow, Then a buck came in with her coat displayed and I bowed to her as she did to me… I walked relaxed to the pond, I saw a fawn and a buck asleep at day and I walked into the water to go and lay down in the relaxing day.
Then I layed there awhile and got up and lapped cool water and then I was on my way,
I went to the ruins and saw more of deer and bowed to them happily And there I met Emiva and also some other deer…
And next I went on my way in the foggy clear cool day…
Later on that day I was so so cold so i went to the tree with my new antler display and saw a cold little fawn in the tree asleep so with my new fur i slept aside the little fawn to keep it warm and I got warm to xD
And i ran along to the ruins where i met a couple more deer and i danced with them to the spooky yet kewl music lol
and then i met up with windance and another deer we played for a little while and danced xD
Then i fell into the pond oh noes xD and I used spelldata and got my coat back except it was an orca coat xD we were cracking up
What a nice little story,
idk who they were xD lol and
Emiva likes being around
You're dancing with me right