For Fleder.

Nala's picture
Here's a picture for Fledermaus, just because you've always answerd my questions and stood up with my constant asking. And also for cheering me up, here ya go.

I know I it's awful :< but it's the thought that counts. : )
Blackhoof's picture

Once again, the cutness

Once again, the cutness rages on! ;P
Tis cuter than pie...
Emiva's picture

Aww :3 ~~ EMIVA'S

Aww :3



Aw, that's really cute!

Aw, that's really cute! Great work!
Fledermaus's picture

HOMG. This is amazing,

HOMG. This is amazing, beyond words. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3!!!! Thank you so much! I loooooooooove eet! *hughughughughug* You're the best, thank you!Exclaim!