June 8, 2008 - 11:28am — uhobi
Well, I was told about this game by someone who only informed me of it in an attempt to tell me how bad it was trying to make me laugh...I found it not so terrible. In fact, while not very in depth and in some ways a little disturbing...I think I might find myself enjoying this. It's a bit refreshing to just play in a community without the usual competitiveness and foolishness that comes with so many online games.
And so I give out a fond hello to everyone, and introduce myself as a new little faun in the endless forest. May we all get along.
Welcome to the forest then!
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
welcome ive actually seen a
ive actually seen a youtube video on "how bad it is" not tryin 2 mean 2 anyone who dont like the forest, this person critisised the bleating of the fawn and the person who maed the video stands there with their fawn just bellowing repetively,...... it was a bit pathetic really
just the way they said its horrible, everyone has different tastes!
Welcome I'm glad you made
I'm glad you made your own effort to see the game.
However, this isn't actually a "game". Michael and Aurea *the creators* are artists and used this game as a means of artistic expression
Hence why it is so different
My deers name is "Path to home" Or just Path
http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?usernam... <-- my picto
I hope to see you in the forest ^^
People these days like to
Anyways, hi
I have a glitch with my game, which is caused by either needing a new video card (i'm getting one in a month or so, and it may solve my problems), or because my computer's 3 or 4 years old. But, alas, I'm addicted to the game, and the community here understands my problem and is quite nice ^^; So, I'm stuck here, heh.
HAI! *huggles* My name is
My name is Vinny! I'm insane!
The deer I've been playing is Stumps,
he's insane too
Sorry I'm not normally this crazy
Oh HECK Anzel I agree. *hates Neopets till' the end of time*
I used to have charecters there
They froze my account because I sent them hate mail.
It is a little strange, I
My deer is called Seed, his pictogram is in my avatar, or you could just click the name.
((also: I had a long on-again-off-again addiction to neopets, until...oh, maybe a year ago, maybe half a year ago, when I went because I was bored and saw how horribly mutated it had become.))
a unicorn roleplay site.
Check it out.
The same happened with me
I loved that place, was terribly addicted like
I am now to EF. Hate it now *gags*
Pega: Welcome to the Forest!
@Vinyelle and Seed:
Pega: Same for me. Think I left in the winter, when I went to see how the place was doing after a long hiatus. Wasn't impressed, so I've yet to go back there again.
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Pega: I shall miss my pets,
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Just blame Viacom, it's all
Sorry for getting everything off-topic XD;
to ammy: actually the friend
actually the friend that told me about the game saw that. that's how he first learned about it.
to path: yeah, i have a
yeah, i have a philosophy that you can't criticize something properly until you try it yourself. I'm sure I'll see you around.
to vinny: hah, it's cool.
hah, it's cool. strange can be good. I was oddly mellow while writing the entry and it came out all....snobby-smart-sounding-ish. I'm not usually that eloquent. so we're kinda in the same boat but not really...
to all the neopets
yeah...i had the same experience.
yus i used to play neopets