First Friend~~!

Kikas's picture

aaah, who are you? ;_; I had so much fun with you today, prancing over other sleeping deers and moonwalking...

You really made me feel more confident about playing, you nice, nice fawn you. ;_; I'm so happy I was able to meet you...

Thanks to you, the lake is now my favourite place! I hope I'll see you there again!<3 I couldn't even see your pictogram... i didn't know how to zoom in with the portable computer.

~~ happyyyy dayy~~
Pegasicorn's picture

Hold down right-click and

Hold down right-click and drag upward to zoom in. Right-click is also for rotating the camera.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Kikas's picture

Now I know. ~~ thank you.<3

Now I know. ~~ thank you.<3