finally, winter break

13Draco's picture
~I'm finally on Winter break. Now i can sleep in a little more than on school day and color things I owe, like the prizes ^w^ This break i am gonna have xxFooHeadxx on DA, Claire, and her sister, come HERE to MN to see where I live :excited: Well xxFooheadxx on DA hasn't seen it, the others have XD IM EXCITED!
~Today we had a hockey game against Farmington. My coach is a jerk so here, even though i doubt he'll see this, but; this is for making most of my team mates feel bad and not being the greatest coach in my history. seriously he says negative stuff almost every game. Me and 3 other girls barely play. Either cuz we're new to the team (my reason) or we're not good. But really he needs to start realizing that not everyone is perfect at hockey.

Anywho enough rant, gotta sleep at the moment, but i don't wanna. TOMORROW; i go to eye doctor for now im gonna get CONTACTS! i get to learn how to touch my eye balls XP
also, seems i gotta make both Christmas AND New years pictures X3 gonna be fun.