Feltras Bio

Kieva's picture

Gender: Female
Name: Feltra
Age: Fawn
She is a mischievious little fawn, her eyes are a cute blue
and likes to play. She has tons of energy and likes to mimic adults.
She doesnt like the twin False gods much.

Crush: None
Health: 100%

Currently needs a mother and a father.

Drawn picture of her.
I also want mai parents to be active please! ^-^


Gender: Female
Crush/mate: None
Fawns: None
Health: 100%
Age: About 16/17
Parents: She never had any.
She is a kind young doe, she loves Fawns and will protect them from any predator best she can, she doesnt like the twin False gods very much.

Aww what a cute fawn! Puppet

Aww what a cute fawn! Puppet should meet her in forest.

Mika//; ;\\ Puppet