Name: Fehaine (pronounced feuh-HEHN) nickname: Feha (pronounced Feh-ha)
Age: Young adult (about 19 or 20 if she were a human)
Gender: Doe
Appearance: Feha has a lithe, delicate frame, like most does. Her neck is long and slender, as are her legs, making her look like she's walking on stilts. She towers over most smaller does, but she isn't quite as tall as the average stag. She has a thin, sharp-featured face with a long snout, big eyes, and long, constantly twitching ears.
Current Set: Dark Real Deer Pelt/Real Deer Mask/Noh Antlers [the whole real deer set]
Other Sets: Magpie pelt, monarch pelt, Great Argus pelt, or the real deer pelt without spots (not default). She always wears the real deer mask and either Peacock or Noh antlers. These days she tends to wear Noh antlers more often.
Personality: Though quiet and introverted, Feha likes to meet and interact with other deer -- she gets terribly lonely sometimes. She always tries to avoid conflict and is often the first to back down from a fight (not including spars -- she doesn't mind any of that, as long as no one gets hurt). She isn't exactly weak, but she just hates violence in general. Even though she's intelligent, but naive, being young - she'll do almost anything you ask her to, especially if she thinks she's doing someone a favor, because she takes pride in doing the "right thing" and caring for others. Of course, she isn't so dumb that she'll just believe everything, and she'll usually find out that she's been tricked once it happens. She's more of the intuitive type, and listens to her innermost thoughts, feelings, and instincts before she acts.
But she's not some boring little goodie-two-shoes. She actually does have a sense of humor and can be really sarcastic and mischievous if she's in the right mood. Feha is also rather energetic and likes to run around in circles for no apparent reason.
- Bow: "Hello."
+ Sniff: "Nice to meet you!"
+ Sad + Fear: "I don't mean any trouble."
+ Fear + Run: Submissive
- Tilt head: "I'm confused."/"Well?"/"Why?"/"Come on!"/"Please?"
- Sad: :(/"I'm sorry."
+ Lie down: "Aww, I have to go now."
+ Nuzzle + Lie Down + Sleep: " I have to go. I hope we meet again."
+ Run away: "You hurt my feelings."
- Amazed: "Wow!"/"orly?"
+ Laugh: "Oh, MAN, that was so random!!"
+ Sniff/Nuzzle: "YAY! You're here! Good to see you again!"
+ Angry: "I can't believe it! D:"
- Angry: "That was uncalled for."/"Grrr..."/"You're mean."/"Hmph!"
+ Taunt: "You're a jerk."
+ Rear: "This is madness!"/"I'm furious!"
+ Run away: "I don't have time for this."
- Laugh: *laughing*/"This is fun!"
+ Shake Head: "I was being sarcastic."
+ Tilt Head: "I don't get it. :D"
+ Nod: "That was HILARIOUS!! Do it again!"
-Fear: Submission/Fear
+ Paw ground and/or Listen: "I'm not sure about this."
+ Laugh: *sarcastic/joking*
+ Taunt: Mocking
- Paw Ground + Tilt head: "Come here."
+ Sad: "I'm worried."
+ Tilt head + Run/walk somewhere: "Follow me!"
@ pine tree/mushrooms/sleeping deer + Tilt head: "Will you cast a spell on me?"
@ you: "Are you still there?"/*pokes*
- Taunt: taunting...?
+ Laugh: "Just kidding!"
+ Shake head: "Are you serious?"
+ Fear/Sad: "I didn't mean to taunt you!"/"Oops, wrong button."
+ Nuzzle: Flirting
- Rear: any strong emotion, basically.
+ Nod: "I'm excited!"/"Yay!"
- Sniff: "I'm curious."/"I like you."
- Nuzzle: "Let's be friends!"/*hug*
+ Tilt head: "Are you ok?"
Sad/Fearful + Nuzzle: "I'm sorry."
* constant nuzzling + sniffing + following: "I reaaaaallllly like you."
Recent Activity:
8/7/10: Met a stag with the same pelt and a fawn; followed to see where they were going and left after a while. Ho hum.
8/6/10: Met Virgil.
7/9/10: Met some deer in the birch forest and was accosted by two stags, but was too shy to stay for long.
Met a white stag with huge antlers and followed him around a bit; then met some other deer and spellspammed a naked deer.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
She sounds sweet.
Does are actually very common here and most don't have antlers on their character and wear Noh Antlers or some other 'feminine' antlers in-forest. :3
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Of course you can have a doe
I myself have two does.
She sounds lovely.
There's no problem with
Nice to meet you btw ^.^
Thanks, everyone. ^^ Nice to
I have another question --
For some reason I can't take screenshots, even when I press P or CTRL P.
For me, TEF is saved in my Games folder - does this have anything to do with it?
Also, I randomly heard this ominous-sounding music while playing - just a few minutes ago.
Does it mean anything?
Your deer sounds very lovely
There's no problem at all having a doe (I have one girl fawn and 2 does), and they are very common in the forest.
If your heard music, your deer must be dancing (since it makes music to brighten the mood), you opened up the menu (it plays a different music) or your deer is asleep (you can stop it from happening in the menu)
If it's something different, I dunno. Sorry!
Marriage is a relationship where one is the husband and the other is always right.
I wasn't dancing or sleeping
I checked the Abiogenesis camera, but nothing happened.
*shrugs* I really don't know.
Maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me...
Oh bum. Sorry, I never heard
It could of been another program on your computer or something. Do you play in windowed mode?
I might have to leave soon so I may not reply x.x
Marriage is a relationship where one is the husband and the other is always right.
Lol, it's ok. And, yeah, I'm
And, yeah, I'm playing in windowed mode.
I just found out I have to
You can hear other programs on your computer in windowed mode, so it must be something else.
I never play in windowed mode so if your a window mode player correct me!
Marriage is a relationship where one is the husband and the other is always right.
True, but all that was open
Thanks for helping, though!!
Oh, wow. It was one of the music players in the descriptions of one of the Writing Blogs. XDDDDD
Hello! ^^ *Tracking*
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
"Hello. Nice to meet you."
[ooc: This is Virgil, right? The deer Fehaine met the other day?]
Yep, that's him, we met the
XD No problem!! I'd love to
I'd love to meet up with your deer again.