Yesterday was filled with just Magnet hanging out. I'll probably make an appearance tonight, though. =]
Anyway, he got some good screenshots:
Sluggs cowers under Magnet:


Good thing Ammy wasn't around, eh, 'Net?
Magnet: XD Yep.
I got some closeups when I came back later, too. =]
They're too big to put here, so they're links:
Sluggs was squirrelified, and he cloned himself like that. O.o Pepokeen cowers XD:

Taiko, Pepokeen, and I formed this sort of 3-headed deer of the 3 different sizes:

The deer version of Mount Rushmore:

And that's all I have.
I'm finding it a lot easier to approach other deer now. =]
Scape: Good. It's about time you did. XP
Magnet: XP
Both: Until next time.
PS: Yet again, what the heck is going on with the text color? I'm not telling it to stop where it is, yet it goes back to default after one line. It's getting on my nerves. Is this one of the bugs there might be or something?
I had cloned myself because
Download Deer Tracker v1.0
Pega: I figured thas what
haha it was a very good
yea it was. go magnet im happy your getting over your shyness
Scape, if it's any
You can download it here...
Download Deer Tracker v1.0
O_O! You are
Thank you. You are officially on my awesome list. XD
*goes back to lab paper now* ^^;
Hey Scape, I was bored, so I
Download Deer Tracker v1.0
*cracks up* XD What the heck
I have absolutely no idea!
I have absolutely no idea! It seemed a good idea at the time!
Download Deer Tracker v1.0