Faoraven REALS, YO

Faoraven's picture
My first screenshot! I thought the chances it was night at the time were quite appropriate for Fao's looks, wouldn't you agree. I wonder if some people will recognize him....
The people who recognize this guy probably remember being followed by him or stared at for a few minutes. o.O

But there I am, dawg. My pride and joy-- rather my loneliness and sorrow manifested. C:
RikkaChan's picture

Wow, you must have your soft

Wow, you must have your soft effect on high. xD Unless that's an edit you did yourself, bit hard on the eyes though..
Also not sure if I've seen this deer around- might have, however don't remember. xD

Ah, so were you last you?

Ah, so were you last you? Laughing out loud Quadda met him yesterday at the ruins, I feel. Walter was there attending as a shadow still around. Laughing out loud
Krusis's picture

Uh, I really have to disagree

Uh, I really have to disagree on your opinion of the soft effect in this. It's not hard on my eyes at all, and I wouldn't imagine it to honestly be that way to anyone else's. I think the blur covers up otherwise visible poly edges nicely. But whatever.
How long will it take me to get banned, I wonder?
RikkaChan's picture

Everyone different and

Everyone different and everyone has different tastes. I'm sorry if you can't accept that, but you posted it here thus opening it publicly for people to comment.

I never said it was a bad picture.