Fan art :Rip and Cut, Dehy light, Auge and Polt !

Laughing out loud Click!!

Tuhka's picture

That's so sweet! Rip looks so

That's so sweet! Rip looks so adorable there. <8']
Thank you so much, I love your art~ you've improved a lot!
Narina's picture

Aww, they all look

Aww, they all look adorable!

I love the way you drew Dehy, Auge & Polt's hooves, really unique.
Thanks for drawing Rip again, he and Cut look beautiful too.
You're so nice drawing so much fanart for everyone. (8
day4's picture

8D Random Art! Thank you!

Random Art!
Thank you!
Dehy looks so springy and happy!
I love it!
Laughing out loud