Extra pictos for trade (all taken/on hold)

OkamiLugia's picture
I was going through my old pictos and I found a few I'm willing to trade away and have passwords that aren't dupes lol. I'll probably be picky because I'm not exactly in the market for new pictos?? Art is also acceptable as a trade?? idk I haven't done this before RIP please forgive how cringey some of these names are a lot of them were jokes to begin with...

edit: DANG that was fast thanks for the interest everyone ;; makes me sad that I was a dumdum and duped passwords for 80% of my picto stash D:

2nd gen:
IamtheMonarch (on hold for Novaqi)
Setishiryuo (on hold for Luksus)
YourLittleButterfly (on hold for Echosong)

3rd gen:
WaterBender (on hold for Chizzu)