Eshajori (n.)

I have had an EF account for more than 6 years, and haven't logged into the community until now. I didn't follow updates as for some reason I thought Endless Forest game was abandoned and the only game that existed was the old original one.

I was recently going through old pictures and screenshots of my deer and was feeling a painful nostalgia. My heart hurts.

I don't play games as much anymore but when I did, this was one of my favorites. I played it a lot when I was stressed out of my mind in highschool.
It wasn't perfect, but it was peaceful, unlike the world today.

Then some things happened in my life and I temporarily forgot about the game, and then thought it was abandoned for some reason.

It's nice to know that I think it's still being worked on, just based off what what I've read from recent posts? Even with all it's issues and possibility that it might not continue. The world is changing and going downhill at a very disturbing pace, so I can understand everything can/will be affected, even this game.

I want to say thank you for keeping the game alive for as long as it has been. I haven't tried to newest version because I'm missing something from my laptop and it is prompting me to download it. I'm a bit suspicious about downloads these days so I'll wait. Also I realized I will download this game, but knowing that life will whisk me away again due to life stuff priorities- I shouldn't be playing it. At least not right now unfortunately.

Perhaps in the future if the game still persists, I would love to try it again.

But to the founders of this game who worked so hard on it... it's okay to let it go if you need to. I love this game dearly, but reading some of the comments breaks my heart. I haven't played it and I haven't followed the developments and such so I feel that I can't really have a true opinion about the matters.

I am just one person but if it helps to hear it, it's okay to let go of the game. :')

Many people won't agree with this because they donated money, other reasons etc.. (I am not sure how donations and the crowdfunding works, so forgive me) but I hope the right decisions are made both for the founders and the community so both can have some peace.

The future is uncertain, but one thing I know for sure is that this game touched and reached many different people including myself, so thank you for everything you have done so far even if it may eventually come to an end.

Stay healthy and hope everyone finds their peace and happiness