The Endless Forest survey results

Michael Samyn's picture
We have published some preliminary results of the survey here.
toboe's picture

*Dances* Us girls and our


Us girls and our deer. XD

Rowan. // Emrys. // Ark. // Kuroshika. // Giftarts. // Look.

Gotta Add Kuro
quadraptor's picture

Yay I'm 1 of 41 XD

Yay I'm 1 of 41 XD

Anzel's picture

I think that they should

I think that they should have put a 'during vacations' and 'during school/work days' thing x3 I doubt I'd play for as long on a school day, heh.

*girls rule TEF*

*girl powers, activate*
Emiva's picture

I say girl deer ^^ *waits

I say girl deer ^^

*waits for critisism*


Snowrift's picture

Thats cool! GIRL

Thats cool! GIRL POWER!

Isis' Bio
EmmaJoycen's picture

Heh! I guess the fact that

Heh! I guess the fact that it's actually peaceful is kinda an offset to guys, though I enjoy my shooters too. xP I showed this game to my 19 year old brother, and he thought it was really lame, which I promptly began protecting it, and hitting him. xD (Disclaimer: No brothers were hurt in the process of this comment.)

Michael and Auriea, thank

Michael and Auriea, thank you so much for this wonderful game!! I do feel that teenage girls are more apt to just sit and relax and play a peaceful game. Boys are mostly out driving cars, and playing 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'... Shoot 'em up boys...-.-
Laruna's picture

Thank you so much for

Thank you so much for posting the results! Smiling It's a shame so few responded (compared to the number of registered deer), but perhaps that's a measure of how many players are consistently active in the Forest...

If I may ask, why did the long play sessions surprise you?
Twila's picture

25, Female, learned of the

25, Female, learned of the game through DA lol, play when I'm stressed or bored, or don't feel like messing with action games like doom, or world of warcraft xD
Kumiko's picture

I laughed when I saw that

I laughed when I saw that players ten and under were on almost everyday. Damn I miss having that mush free time. XD


Fan art done by Zabrath.

†wïlïgh†'§ ÇhïlÐ: Index i found the i found the game involved a 3 day search on goggle for an animal mmorpg XD i saw a lot of freako games in that time, but i found my goal too ^.^ the endless forest , like honey on my lips XD
noxen's picture

I love this game becouse its

I love this game becouse its soo diferent for mothers :E we dont have guns we hav horns and gurlpowaaah!
but even if im a gurl my deer is a maale :E he is sooocha manly man! huhuhuhu
IoRez's picture

I'm a guy, but I really love

I'm a guy, but I really love this game. Mostly because there is really nothing else like it anywhere.
Mystery within mystery, the gateway of manifold secrets...
Noekie's picture

I am less than 10

I am less than 10 Smiling
Stephi201's picture

yo im a girl *daces so much

yo im a girl *daces so much i fall over* oh by the way my deer is a doe trying to get the doe antlers oh an she`s the only doe with the butterfly antlers

GIRL POWER!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim
'Oh, but sensible selves, could you kindly shut up?' ~Sara Bareilles

Hehe, she isn't the only doe

Hehe, she isn't the only doe with the butterfly antlers my friend...

Proud Founder of The Lightbringers
noxen's picture

Io REz i think the same way

Io REz i think the same way that is what makes this game interesting!
Aelinia2's picture

-Leaps for joy- *Girl* But

-Leaps for joy-
But my bffl plays this game too. He's a boy. Sure, not your typical one but...Still, THANK YOU for this game. I love it. I play as much as I can- it's nice to not be able to use words. I'm going on it right now Laughing out loud but I just wish someone would turn me into a bird!
Arwym's picture

I discovered the game by

I discovered the game by visiting the Tale of Tales Web site, on my doing research about another of your games that I am going to review (Bientôt l’été). :')