The Endless Forest and thing i wish existed

Well i wish the endless forest had a little more features
like being about to store your collected masks skins so forth
i hate trying to always recollected thing to fit my fancy for that day

also what would happen if the added new ruins, a graveyard, enhance the little pond a bit bigger and give the deers the abilty to eat or appear munch on grass( remember deers eat veggies)

and some new magic like making things grow( like in princess mononoke when the forest god walks he creates plant but they shortly die) mite not hurt if the add some new things

Well i've had to reedit my blog

Yes i know they don't have funding o
so don't point that out anymore

like i said i know

" When i said i wished the existed"
it was just a saying on what if they did

i didn't expect to get so many comments back

Feature that should be(i like and few users like)
Terabetha- Wants deer paths, i agree too
In nature their called game trails where animals run up and down the same path over and over again

Grass Eating is also what deers do but in the endless forest it would give more natural look tot he deers

I also made a big no no with people on here

With the word chatting

didn't mean to open that can of worms

well just add what you wish for( by wish for i mean (wished the existed but don't)
Emiva's picture

Nobody really knows, but

Nobody really knows, but they do need more funding before continuing on and adding new features.
I agree with the grass idea, I think that whever there's grass, you should be able to eat it! :33 It doesn't even have to do anything lol.... you'll eat it, and then it will grow back in like five minutes? X3


Yah it doesn't really have

Yah it doesn't really have to do anything when it comes to grass eatting
that what deers do eat grass and run through the woods
bubblywums's picture

Phase 4 isn't coming until

Phase 4 isn't coming until there is more funding, aka, more people donate or they can find a sponsor to fund the phase. Their funding was denied.

Chatting will never be created in game.

Yes i know the person above

Yes i know the person above me explained to me

and yes i know chatting will never be in the game
i was just saying how nice it would be if they had chatting
parrotsnpineapple's picture

I would hate it if they

I would hate it if they implemented chatting >.< Thank goodness they never will

If they did the Forest would be a horrible place to be in - It would be filled with debates of politics (and I read a hell of a gory debate on the forums) and other such nonsense.

As for new features - well, things cost money ^^ Money doesnt grow on trees to use an overdone saying.

I entirely agree with the

I entirely agree with the grass, maybe perhaps just an action to look like you were eating the grass would work best...another thing I think would be cool would be if we could make deer paths (something that is common enough in the real world). As in, the more deer travel over a set path, the more 'traveled' it would look...the less it was used, the faster it would revert to being just a grassy field.
bubblywums's picture

Some people play in windowed

Some people play in windowed mode and use instant messengers or to chat with each other. You could try that?