The Endless Forest

Note: To other TEF players who read this, don't think I'm deciding the story of TEF or anything, this is just how I imagine it and something I made for fun.


Long ago, before our sanctuary was ever created, the world we knew fell into pieces. The number of murder and other sins increased until we were left in an apocalypse. We had to fight and kill for food, shelter, water and safety. This went on for countless number of years until we were shown sympathy.. not by other humans but by gods.. the twin gods that we worship now. They vowed to keep us protected and take us away from this damned place and so they created a new world where only the innocent entered. Those who committed murders without reason and other sins were left to burn in earth which we called hell. We were told to flee to a forest. Any forest and we obeyed. Once we entered a forest, we entered a completely different world. We couldn't see outside of the forest and the earth was no longer there.
It was beautiful, peaceful but there was one thing we didn't expect.
The twin gods formed every human that entered into deer. Every part of us turned into deer besides our faces. We were left with the face of humans. They blessed us with immortality. The gods gave us a safe place to live for many years, children or- fawns as we now call them could finally play without worrying about any danger and everyone could be in peace with one another.. but this world wasn't entirely peaceful. Sins were still committed by others but the gods didn't take this lightly and aren't as sympathetic as they seemed. It is said that if you commit a sin such as murder without reason in the forest that the twin gods will curse you.
Your face will dissolve, flesh and skin would melt off and bones would grow out of your face to form into the skull of a deer and you would be cursed with an eternity of hatred and you'd be left with a hideous face and your soul would be forced into a rotting deer corpse. These are the ones we call skull-faces, skull deer, reapers deer or even death servants. Whatever you'd like to call them. These weren't the only faces that we could have- besides human faces and wretched skulls. The forest was full of magic- even mushrooms were magic. If we weren't happy with what we looked like, we could change it by blessing someone. Some look completely like deer, some don't. We're all thankful for this place and we let the gods know that every day. The twin gods rest their souls in two statues on top of a hill- not far from the pond. The first time I came here, my heart swelled to even see a beautiful butterfly land onto my nose again and to see fawns play, the fawns seem to have a special place in the cemetery or the playground.. adults suggest that the cemetery drew the fawns to them since they held death which is what the fawns that first came here would've been used to. Death. I guess this is all I can explain to you about the story of our wonderful forest. Enjoy your stay.


Remember, this isn't actually the story behind TEF, it's just how I think of TEF.

P.S Let me know if you catch any typos so I can correct them!

I always love reading

I always love reading people's takes on the Forest's origins!
The little slice of heaven take on it like this is one of my favorites, but the Forest isn't always peaceful. I like how you explained how crimes are dealt with and also touched on the magic of the Forest. I find that the traditional magic (appearance changing spells, namely) oftentimes goes missing from stories.

Very nice, I enjoyed reading it c: The ending is great, too!

Thank you, I'm glad you

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^^
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echo302's picture

Love it!

Love it!
~We have learned that you have no... honor! Murderer! Sodimizer! Back to the river aras!~

I'm happy you enjoyed it and

I'm happy you enjoyed it and thank you for reading! ^-^
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Sannosuke's picture

^_^ That was nice, thank you

That was nice, thank you for sharing
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me

No problem~

No problem~
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