End of Summer Days

Redkora's picture
Even though Summer does not officially end until September 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere, Labor Day is considered the last day of Summer fun in the United States. I wrote a related post in my blog about my Forest jaunt today. You can read and see the pictures here.

I know I seemed a bit rushed in the Forest today, but I was just trying to take pictures and take it all in before I had to get off and post pictures so I could get started on school work.

Also, if you were this Stag, please don't take offense to the fact that I wasn't casting spells on you. The program kept blocking them. It was nice to meet you, though!

WTF man. That stag was

WTF man. That stag was Gehirn/Horizon, played by Misako, but she was offline...O____O Scaryyy. I saw it too though.

-- Dannii <3
toboe's picture

Me too! I couldn't cast

Me too!
I couldn't cast spell on it either D:
Seele's picture


...Like, FO REAL?
I wonder when that happend XD!! And there's no problem! Gehirn/Horizon always wear a set.. I wonder what happend...

--Stays a lonely Seele