Dreams (a short story)

fayne's picture
Woohoo, pain. She was used to it, but that didn’t make it any more enjoyable. At least this time was quick. The hard metal slammed into Tuna’s face and, as expected, brought instant darkness. The young woman’s body crumpled to the ground, propped against the stairs, as the cool night finally set in.

Mist. Everywhere. And not just the bland floaty dream-mist they always wrote in books – no, it was fog, cool on her skin and humid-feeling. Slowly, Tuna opened her eyes. What the hell? This fog, everywhere – she couldn’t even see the ground. Carefully, she pushed herself up into a kneeling position, then stood. The silence of the place rang in her ears. Gingerly, she felt her nose and forehead, finding no wound. Okay. Let’s just think. The blonde squinted into the mist, searching for any sign of life. Starting to panic, when a voice behind her made her jump.

“Ya won’t see anything.”

Oh my god.

Nothing to do but turn around. And she did. Her brow knitted in disbelieving shock as she stared at the smiling man standing before her, his arms crossed behind his back. “…Bale.” She couldn’t get anything out besides a whisper. The blue-eyed man nodded. Tuna stared openly now, moving only a step closer. “You…how…”

“Shhh, T. No use wakin’ up yet.” Still grinning, he gestured to the emptiness around them. “It’s real quiet here, but it sounds like that’s a blessing fer you.” His mouth was twisted into his usual crooked grin, the one she hadn’t seen in a year and a half. She couldn’t bring herself to smile back. Instead, she murmured “Yeah. The world’s a lot more complicated these days.” Droplets of condensation dribbled down her arms, but she didn’t feel them. Bale shrugged. “I know you. You’re not gonna back down, are ya?” Good question, she thought in a daze. Still, a sad smile had found its way to her face. “I dunno, honey. I guess. It’s just getting hard.”

“Yer nerves just have a lot sitting on them. “ His blue eyes were focused on hers, holding her gaze. “I know you wanna get out, but you hafta be patient. Things’ll smooth over in time.”

“…I miss you.” Damn, she hadn’t meant for that to come out. Then again, he probably knew. He nodded again, his expression not the least bit dampened, and she realized he was closer now – she had to look up at him. “Keep smilin’. You’ll get there,” he murmured. She nodded, her own smile now genuine. Without having to ask, she was pulled into a hug, one that felt like being buried in tall grass. The blonde rested her cheek on his chest, clutching him tightly and closing her eyes. He’s right.

“Time to wake up, T.” His whisper was fading. “Wake up…”


Reluctantly, Tuna dragged her eyelids open. What little light there was immediately bombarded her with a headache, and her nose and forehead were throbbing. As her vision swum, she pushed herself into a straighter position, wiping her mouth and finding blood. After a moment, Rut’s panicked face came into focus. “Tuna, what the hell?!” He was holding her by the arms, apparently having shaken her awake. The girl grinned dazedly and pointed halfheartedly at him. “Remember, remember, the fifth of November.”

“What the…” exhaling hugely, the tall man slipped his arm around her back, the other under her knees, and struggled to stand up with her in his arms. “You sprung a leak,” he grunted, staggering up the stairs. Tuna let her head fall back. “I gathered.” There was silence from her friend, so she closed her eyes, trying to savor the feeling of Bale’s breath on her hair…

“Teeeee. Stop fallin’ asleep on me.” She opened her eyes and found herself on the couch next to Rutilus. Carefully, he pulled her upright – she groaned a bit, but shifted into a kneeling position. “Dammit, Rut,” the woman grumbled. Her friend frowned. “That shovel-you hit yerself with it, didn’t you? Why the hell would you do that?” Before she could answer, he reached forward with a wet rag and dabbed the blood away from her eyes. “You got a nasty gash on your forehead, and your nose is broken, I think. Funny you can speak.” At the mention of her injuries, each gave a fresh burst of pain, and she grabbed his wrist, taking the cloth with a pained expression. “Let me do that. Get me a mirror.”

He sighed. “Thank the Gods you woke up, at least. You look terrible.” She rolled her eyes, muttering, “Today hasn’t been good.” The blonde-haired man looked as if he was going to question her, but didn’t speak, instead reaching forward and rubbing her shoulder briefly. “Enjoy life. This isn’t a dress rehearsal.”

“You’re tellin’ me.”


POOP idk I really really needed something cute. :B LISTEN TO THIS. MAKES IT THAT MUCH CUTER. IDK.



-- Dannii <3
Fledermaus's picture

Awww. ;___;

Awww. ;___;

Fenqua's picture

Fayne, your writing is

Fayne, your writing is pwnage |D And so is Tuna.

So she misses Bale, eh? *pets*

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
fayne's picture

Thanks guys. <3 WRY YES. She

Thanks guys. <3

WRY YES. She misses the stability, I guess. Or it was just a weird unconsciousness dream that will never cross her mind again. : D -shot-
