Last Updated: July 29, 2017 - this needs some updating, but at least I have my broken images taken care of finally (until I stop being lazy about updating them)
Can you believe I haven't touched this in almost 3 years??
The Dragonfly Deer 

Name: Scape(goat)
Name Origin: "land|scape|goat" His picto made me think of a landscape, and his favorite mask and antlers made him seem goat-like. Landscape and scapegoat share the word "scape", so that was it.
Nickname: ScapeCop (From back when there was a relentless deer causing problems. Scape's RD chases were like a high speed police chase.)
Birthday: February 4 (Aquarius)
Gender/Sex: male
Species: TEF red deer/normal red deer
Appearance: Favors
the nightfall pelt, orca mask, and orca antlers, but sometimes switches to default antlers. (Note: When I draw him, I add a gold tail tip and dragonfly mark on his forehead. His "natural" look is the default deer "set".)
Human Form stands at 5 foot 8 inches.
Scent: pine, saltwater
Eye Color: gray
Family: Magnet (younger brother), Radeon (father), Richter (cousin), Kinsha (cousin), Spade (nephew), Devi (niece), Seed (as close as a brother), Oisín (adopted son), Midnight (daughter)
Mate: Zergarikiaka ♥
Personality: energetic/high endurance, outgoing (willing to meet new deer/people)
Habits/Quirks: bows to the dragonflies; speaks to them, though sometimes he wishes he couldn't understand their gossip
Sleeping Spot: the dragonfly swarm at the pond
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Name: Magnet
Name Origin: "magnets don't always attract" A fitting way to describe him. But mainly from my thinking his picto looked like it had two "U" magnets facing each other.
Nickname: 'Net (self-explanatory)
Birthday: March 26 (Aries)
Gender/Sex: male
Species: TEF red deer/normal red deer
Appearance: The
golden butterfly pelt, real deer mask, and real deer antlers. Rarely ever switches anything, but sometimes likes the default antlers. (Note: His "natural" look is the default deer "set".)
Human Form stands at 6 foot 1 inch.
Scent: wheat, saltwater
Eye Color: gray
Family: Scape (older brother), Radeon (father), Richter (cousin), Kinsha (cousin), Spade (son), Devi (daughter), Oisín (adopted nephew), Midnight (niece)
Mate: Aspen ♥
Personality: calm, observant, independent but not shy
Habits/Quirks: bows to the dragonflies; "wake up routine" that's too long to describe; speaks with the dragonflies on occasion, though mostly just listens to/filters their chatter
Sleeping Spot: the dragonfly swarm at the pond, or "Red Hill"
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Name: Spade
Name Origin: Martisol called Scape Spade by accident, and I liked the name so much it got used
Birthday: November 30 (Sagittarius)
Gender/Sex: male
Species: TEF red deer/normal red deer from Magnet. Unsure of Aspen's species.
Appearance: Secretary bird pelt, real deer mask, and kirin antlers. (NOTE: When drawn, the kirin antlers should curve forward like a ram's.)
Human Form stands at 5 foot 11 inches (still growing).
Scent: coconut, cedar
Eye Color: gray
(Immediate) Family: [Half Dragonfly Deer, Half Magpie(?) Deer] Magnet (father), Aspen (mother), Devi (younger twin sister) [there are way too many to list everyone]
Mate/Crush: was dating Faytha, but she's gone missing and may not be coming back
Personality: shy but would like to make friends, observant, likes to think he's strong from all the training he does but isn't overly confident
Habits/Quirks: stutters a bit when nervous or feeling awkward, like his tongue trips over the words; intrigued by and speaks with the dragonflies; has taken to training himself to make himself stronger (running, practicing sparring using a certain stump, jumping things like they're hurdles, etc.); always slows down to watch the butterflies if he's passing through a patch of purple flowers
Sleeping Spot: by the stump he uses for training
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Name: Richter (aka 49)
Name Origin: "4.9 on the Richter scale"
Nickname: Rich' (Pronounced "rick".)
Birthday: May 9 (Taurus)
Gender/Sex: female
Species: TEF red deer/TEF shika deer
Appearance: The great argus pelt, peacock antlers, and real deer mask. (Note: Aside from the mask, this is her "natural" look.)
Human Form stands at 5 foot 4 inches.
Scent: pineapple, rain
Eye Color: sky blue
Family: Kinsha (younger twin brother), Scape (cousin), Magnet (cousin), Radeon (uncle), Spade (cousin of sorts), Devi (cousin of sorts), Oisín (cousin of sorts), Midnight (cousin of sorts)
Mate: " I need one?"
Personality: highly energetic, often has trouble focusing on one thing for too long (what is this "attention span" you speak of?), short temper, trouble making friends
Habits/Quirks: "cast and run"; circling for the heck of it; circling trees when bored; "attacking" the dragonflies or butterflies
Sleeping Spot: the Ruins
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Name: Kinsha (Pronounced "keen-shah". Japanese for "gold dust" or "gold sand".)
Name Origin: He's loosely based off a character by the same name who has blond hair.
Nickname: Kin (pronounced how it looks or "keen"), Kinshi (only Richter calls him this),
Kin-kun (only Silvery calls him this)
Birthday: May 9 (Taurus)
Gender/Sex: male
Species: TEF red deer/TEF shika deer
Appearance: The golden butterfly pelt, orca mask, and butterfly antlers.
Human Form stands at 5 foot 5 inches.
Scent: banana, sawdust
Eye Color: sky blue
Family: Richter (older twin sister), Radeon (uncle), Scape (cousin), Magnet (cousin), Spade (cousin of sorts), Devi (cousin of sorts), Toukan (as close as a brother), Suiren (as close as a sister), Oisín (cousin of sorts), Midnight (cousin of sorts)
Mate: ...we'll see
Personality: skittish/somewhat jumpy, socially awkward/doesn't know how to make friends
Habits/Quirks: "cast and run" on the rare "mischief day"; trying to be a ninja and usually failing (spying unnoticed, sneaking up on others, "ninja-walking"/air-walking)
Sleeping Spot: the Ruins
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Name: Toukan (Pronounced "toh-kahn" [the "toh" is drawn out due to the "u" after the "o"]. Japanese for "frost".)
Name Origin: He's loosely based off a character that is a pale ice horse demon.
Nickname: Touk (pronounced "toke")
Birthday: December 22 (Capricorn)
Gender/Sex: male
Species: Finnish forest reindeer/Peary caribou
Appearance: A normal gray reindeer, but with a heavily scarred leg that gives him a limp and trouble on days with bad weather. (Note: In-Forest, he wears the swan pelt, real deer mask, and real deer antlers.)
Human Form stands at 6 feet.
Scent: vanilla, mint
Eye Color: ice blue
Family: Dasher (father; Finnish forest reindeer; RIP), Snowflake (mother; Peary caribou; whereabouts unknown), Tougen/Tundra (brother) Kinsha (adopted brother), Suiren (adopted sister), Ourania (adopted sister)
Mate: Kylar ♥
Personality: calm but has his silly moments around close friends, social but can be independent, patient
Habits/Quirks: walks with a limp (shown through alternating between "traveling speeds"); will sometimes go "spiriting" (his spirit will run around outside his body; most cannot see him in this form, unless they're sensitive to the paranormal [e.g. Lorak], or some strange phenomenon takes place); may be seen wearing the nightfall pelt on occasion (if it's cast on him), often stops to munch on some
Sleeping Spot: the two small trees in a sunbeam near the Old Oak, any other spot that's appealing
Extra Note: As Toukan is a normal reindeer (for the most part), he sheds his antlers every year. They should drop sometime in early winter, then slowly regrow until they're at full size again in the spring (I'm cheating a bit here, but hey, TEF has magic). Antler regrowth cycle as shown in-Forest: Doe/Noh > Orca > Beluga > Barn Owl > Default > Real Deer
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Name: Tougen (Pronounced "toh-genn" [the "toh" is drawn out due to the "u" after the "o"]. Japanese for "tundra". Refers to himself as "Tundra" to most and prefers to be called this.)
Name Origin: Wanted something similar to "Toukan"
Nickname: technically "Tundra" is, otherwise no official nicknames
Birthday: March 18 (Pisces)
Gender/Sex: male
Species: Finnish forest reindeer/Peary caribou
Appearance: A light tan reindeer with darker mask, back patch, and stockings. Markings a cross between his two sub-species. Right front hoof is "pigeon-toed", or turned inward. Born like this. (Note: In-Forest, he wears the brown and tan pelt, real deer mask, and real deer antlers.) Human form (needs human artwork) stands at 5 feet 10 inches.
Scent: vanilla, cinnamon
Eye Color: ice blue
Family: Dasher (father; Finnish forest reindeer; RIP), Snowflake (mother; Peary caribou; whereabouts unknown), Toukan (brother)
Mate: none (we'll...see?)
Personality: low confidence, craves social interaction though unsure how to go about it
Habits/Quirks: occasionally stumbles due to his turned hoof
Sleeping Spot: under a weeping willow at the high side of the pond; feels a sense of security here due to the bit of cover it provides
Extra Note: As Tundra is a normal reindeer (for the most part), he sheds his antlers every year. They should drop sometime in early winter, then slowly regrow until they're at full size again in the spring (I'm cheating a bit here, but hey, TEF has magic). Antler regrowth cycle as shown in-Forest: Doe/Noh > Orca > Beluga > Golden Butterfly > Default > Real Deer
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Name: Suiren (Pronounced "soo-e-ren". Japanese for "water lily".)
Name Origin: She's loosely based off a character that was part praying mantis demon.
Nickname: Sui (Pronounced "soo-e". If anyone outside of family and good friends calls her this, they should expect a death glare.)
Birthday: October 27 (Scorpio)
Gender/Sex: female
Species: TEF deer. Really a human in deer form.
Appearance: Kirin pelt, Forest Spirit mask, secretary bird antlers ("praying mantis" set).
Human Form stands at 5 feet 9 inches.
Scent: lily, bamboo
Eye Color: dark brown
Family: Kinsha (as close as a brother), Toukan (considers him her little brother)
Mate: none
Personality: Comes off as cold and strict at first, but the "poker face" will drop when she warms up to you.
Habits/Quirks: you might find her practicing the deer version of her family's martial arts style
Sleeping Spot: the Ruins
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Name: Radeon
Name Origin: I wanted a name that sounded "red" and that was the first word that came to mind. I later realized I named him after a graphics card. Guess it's because of the logo color.
Nickname: His title? ("The Crimson Drifter".) Hardly called by this anymore, as he hardly wears the red pelt now.
Birthday: May 20 (Taurus)
Gender/Sex: male
Species: TEF red deer
Appearance: The secretary bird pelt and default antlers. Usually wears poppies. (Note: The pelt has a red tinge to the gray. Also has red bangs and a goatee, gray-streaked with age.)
Human Form stands at 5 foot 10 inches.
Scent: lavender, poppies
Eye Color: moss/gray-green
Family: Scape (son), Magnet (son), Richter (niece), Kinsha (nephew), Spade (grandson), Devi (granddaughter), Oisín (adopted grandson), Midnight (granddaughter)
Mate: none; no interest
Personality: calm, observant, peace-loving (dude's like a hippie)
Habits/Quirks: always bows to the dragonflies, converses with them about anything important or interesting going on, often filtering out unneeded gossip; bows to the Crying Idol; his bows are no longer as deep due to joint pain (shown with bow + confused)
Sleeping Spot: the Crying Idol
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Name: Blue
Name Origin: As a dragonfly, he had blue wings. He introduced himself to fawn-Scape as "Blue", most likely due to his coloration. It's unknown if this is his real name.
Nickname: His name is too short to shorten.
Birthday (technically rebirthday): August 29 (Virgo)
Gender/Sex: male
Species: TEF mini-deer (unknown)
Appearance: The nightfall pelt, golden butterfly mask, and magpie antlers. (Note: When I draw him, the pelt is a lighter blue, and he has gold markings on his sides that look like a dragonfly symbol, similar to his picto. Played as a mini-deer due to his small size; if only masks affected their voices...)
Human Form stands at 5 foot 2 inches.
Scent: caramel, pondwater
Eye Color: bright green
Family: As a dragonfly, Radeon was like a good friend, and he was like an uncle or older brother to fawn-Scape. But as a deer, he's more like a good family friend, or the eccentric "uncle" you only know because they're best friends with your parents.
Mate: none. This is a strange subject for him, as he's had dragonfly mates in his past life. It is questionable what his preference is/would be as a deer.
Personality: optimistic most of the time; social and outgoing, but doesn't often stay in one group before hopping off to the next
Habits/Quirks: air-sits or sits in trees to rest if he can; hops, often while humming; bows to and speaks with the dragonflies as he once was one
Sleeping Spot: a poppy patch on the riverbank
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Pega: O.O Awesome. *saves*
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
too late, *computer goes
I can't get rid of it until
..though now I especially can't.
..well, fudge. Then mayhaps
Then mayhaps delete it from Photobucket, or move it someplace else? ^^;
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Lol. Never thought of that!
P.S Hunter is scary
Pega: No worries, I saved it
The Dragonfly Deer:
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
O: yayayaay *still
weird frieday 13th made me HAPPY! i have no idea y im so up beat though!
Pega: It's cool; Friday the
Plus today I found out I made Dean's List! Whoot! (didn't know 3 A-'s and a B+ were enough XD; )
The Dragonfly Deer:
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
wow and its supposed 2 be a
dean> is that a type of REALLY good art class? well anyway if ur happy its a good thing *frolics*!
Pega: Actually, Dean's List
The Dragonfly Deer:
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
WOW go pega!!!! WHOOT *pats
omigod! thats awesome!
woow omg xD! they really
they really impress me *_*!
especially scape! i can see why he's a fawn magnet. he's really cool lol.
*i was a liar in every debate, i rule the forces that fueled your hate
XD Heh, thanks. Though you
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo
Me: Poor Scape ;-; *pats
Anzel: Maybe she'll return one day...*meekly nuzzles*...
Scape: Even if she does
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo
D'awww. <33 -hugs Scape- ;_;
She never answered... She might be ashamed or something... >_>
You'll find someone else! D8 ... Hopefully. -hit for being unhelpful-
- - -
The Gentleman
The Rebel
The Immortal
>8D I'll never tell.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
*pointless comment to watch
Rar? XD; --- The Dragonfly
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
boo? xD
-pets Kinsha- Good luck son.
Good luck son. 8D
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
XD Toukan shakes his
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Toukan is a wise fellow
Ah well. Confused Kinsha is fun, I actually wonder what the thought about that kiss a while ago. I think it struck Silvery that hard, that she is no long able to think and hops around like a brainless, love filled fawn. I think it takes a while before reality hits her. XP
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Kinsha has moments of "What
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
He should know by now. I
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
|D It's Kinsha. The socially
He has no experience with this. =B
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
I had my Hecate play with
Want to see some artwork. Then come visit my DA gallery
Really? I need to find the
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Hecate was the doe with the
Want to see some artwork. Then come visit my DA gallery
Ohh. Ok. I don't think I
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Here's a pic of
Here's a pic of her
Want to see some artwork. Then come visit my DA gallery
Ahh, ok. I recognize the
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
All interesting characters.
He's very social and willing to make friends with anyone. Slow to anger, and even slower to fight back, he believes the Forest should be peaceful.
Reminds me of Amary. |3
Nueva Paz
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary, Melinoe
Um....question...what was
@Paz: In other words, he's
@MrsHalloween: |D Never seen deer use the "sit" action for trying to climb trees, or in pretending it's a pole? |D
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
I love that, those pics are
Thank you. =] And I just
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
So Oisin can't learn to talk
*wonders if they would gossip about him*
It seems to be a hereditary
The dragonflies probably do talk about him though. I'm sure they've told Scape about seeing Oisín and Polt together. X]
Ah, that's what I
lol That's just what I was thinking of. X3
Zelig would love to spend
I need to change it to
But that would be cool. =] Just not right now; I leave for class |D Not done for 4 hours too.
Well, that's the thing, you
I'm gonna have to draw Zelig and Toukan in red harnesses and gold bells for Christmas. Possibly whilst abusing the 'flight' powers that running and jumping grants them >]
It does? 8o Yay, I can keep
I planned to do something like that with all my deer, pulling a sleigh with my fursona in it. 8]
Toukan wouldn't be able to fly unless in the devout pelt though. *points at his bio section* That darn leg.
*Rakkaus comes and sits next
Is Toukan a fawn magnet or something? Hehe Little ones seem to hang around him. Also, do you have AIM by any chance?
Sometimes I wonder. XD; All
Kaoori really respects Toukan too. <3