Did I blow my chance already?

MapleTree's picture
I've been really checking frequently for BZD. In blogs and IG. Did he pass? I mean, people talk about him a lot, but I don't even see him.

He gone already? Or am I checking too much?

Yes, he was in-game earlier

Yes, he was in-game earlier today. Maybe a few hours ago. He stayed for only about 20 minutes, though, so I bet many people missed him this time. He's been on a few times this week and last week.

I doubt this was the last day he will be on. I'm sure he will be here Halloween day for the ones not Trick-or-Treating.

However, I'm sorry you're having trouble finding him. Suppose you have settings down where you see a multiple amount of people and/or you cannot see weather changes? And you have to remember that BZD is played in Belgium, so time zones can be much different from yours.

I've been able to see him everytime except once because of frequent watching. I'm always in-game and checking the community site as often as possible. So I doubt that's the issue. Just keep an eye on Jennie's BZD blog if you haven't and sighthoundlady's weather report since they are both very active.

Just stay active and keep a look out. Good luck!
All characters gone and inactive.