When tragedy has been, for the most part, left behind -- left to (again, just for the most part) fade quietly into disuse, until the moment again comes for an examination of old feelings -- then there grows room for a new batch of joy. It is only through clipping that flowers may grow; and today has been a day of flowers, of perfumes in bright red and twilight-tinged purple, of things so rare and delicate they seem but soft paper illusions of flowers. Yes, the dormant branch of my heart has once more put forth fresh vernal blooms! And since such blooms become, as time passes, fainter and fainter, I resolved to (for an unfortunately rare change of pace) pluck one from my heart and press it firm into my diary.
I awoke to Walter's presence today, and went quickly to join him. I could not -- and still cannot -- guess his humor. There were times he seemed to be in a good mood, and I was happy to see it; at other points, he seemed... Not exactly angry, because Walter angry is something you cannot misjudge...But bothered. He would time and time again rear and roar, or else stand completely still, watching smaller groups of deer. I left before I could clearly make out his intent there.
A while later, I ran into Scape, having already heard news that my darling vision had made her return. I was already giddy with anticipation, and so Scape and I frolicked like fools for a while. Along our way, we ran into an absolutely charming pair of fawns, and played with them for a while. We even helped teach one of them, who I quickly grew fond of and who throughout the day gave me one set of flowers after another, to slow-hop.
And then I heard the sound of her hoof-beats. I know it seems foolish, but the moment I saw her today, as it is every time I see her, I forget how long it's been since the last time -- all I think is the smell of her fur and the dazzling color of her eyes when a shaft of sunlight hits them just so. We nuzzled like mad, testing and assuring to make sure that it was no dream we nuzzled, no ghost or vision, but eachother's warmth. The whole group -- the fawns, Payton, Scape, and myself -- just ran around in giddy circles, until sadly Scape and I both had to go.
I woke back up and found that fawn that I particularly liked from before. We frolicked for a little bit, until I noticed something -- Payton's pictogram. But it wasn't her; it was a dove, beating its wings endlessly into the still air. I don't know if it was a clone or if it was an omen I couldn't read (though doves are birds of peace, and sometimes love; perhaps it's a good sign indeed) -- I stayed there for a moment or two until the fawn found me again (and, little fawn, I do apologize for getting perhaps a touch carried away.
The fawn and I wandered the forest for a while after that -- we played in the cage and cast spells on one another; I recall trying to point out to it specifically what manner of tree the pine tree was, though I don't know how well my point got across. By the oak, we encounted a stag trying to pick a fight with me; I declined firmly, and led my charge away to safer places. We eventually sat down and settled with 21, Virgil, and a number of other deer at rest.
When Payton returned, I rushed towards her. What happened next blurs together; there was, of course, more nuzzling; and Payton meeting the fawn before we wandered off on our own; and there was a good bit of just running wildly, chasing one another in great spiraling circles, like the magical blossoms grown by the Twin Gods; and there was Payton's alarmed discovery of the Payton-dove; and I'd assume more nuzzling. There was, for a moment, a little bit of sorrow there -- when she at last broke her stubbornness and went to see Walter (as Walter was not, of course, coming to see her), he fled from her before she could properly say hello. It dampened my mood, at least, only a little -- certainly not as much as when she had to leave, after which I trotted back to the bridge to compose this -- and perhaps a little poem, as well.
Perhaps tommorow, or another day, I will have to fret and bother and worry about how long this will last, and if one or both of us or the forest has changed more than my feelings can accomodate for... Yes, perhaps tommorow I will have to worry about being Seed, and thus feeling bad over fairly small details of life... But that will be tommorow. Today, though, today I had blossoms that rained down from the sky into all the little secret places of my soul.
((Could anyone help identify that fawn in the 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 7th pictures? I've asked elsewhere, but I do really want a response.))
*gets "gushy" at the last
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Yeah, it is pretty
Nelle Rovine
XD I saw you and that huge
Unfortunatly I was playing an antisocial deer at the time, and to be in character, I stayed away. |D
watedtojointhough.... |D
*Points madly at the first
Why else do you think Walter was so happy!?
Well, I actually did kind of
and that's what you anti-social deer-players get, Zerg
Nelle Rovine
I am the fawn.I want to meet