Diary of Seed, 4-24-08
April 25, 2008 - 5:04am — Seed
It feels good to be writing again: I have been rather negligent...and a little lonely. It's difficult to explain: I've just been very tired, and it has been getting in the way, more in the way of my writing things down than in terms of my forest frolicing.
Today, I ran into Scape. He and another deer were hanging out, but when the other deer left, it left just me and Scape. Since I wasn't in the mood for much real group stuff, this was perfectly alright by me. We decided to start off simple, since it had been a while since we had really hung out together. (I'm sorry, Scape...)...so we started doing silly walks.
Then, since Scape seemed to be at a loss, I figured we could go to the lake and do some water-walking. Of course, when it came to the dancing...I've gotten so used to doing a lot of tricks while I dance...umm....well....*looks a little ashamed* I fell in.

Scape helped me get one of my favorite sets back, and we were done with that, we got to play Carosel Deer! A few other deer joined us, since we found a really good spot for it with a whole bunch of relatively thin trees, perfect for carosel deer. I decided I was just worn out after that, and went to sleep.

It's agggeee. Seed is
Seed is growing ooolldddd.. xD