I made a blog like this before, but I'm saying it again, pleaase don't use huge signatures!
You can resize pictures in TinyPic/Imigeshack or the program you make/draw them in.
You probably see it yourself if you have a huge sig.
If you save an animal/mini spell over your set, and open/close the game, then, if you sneeze the shapeshifter spell off... Will you be naked/loose your set?
Or will you loose a part of your set?
Okay, here you basicly post one word, to form a story c:
Rule: real words please xD
"The Game.
You will forget pancake shoes that explode bananas at this planet which needs love because the camels kill your toes.
Dear isolating deer, your the most funny apple in my planet.
Once I killed my arm with a spoon that did something while I sang Born this Way and ate Beef.
Justin Beiber with sause is tasty and square taste although disgusting.
Virgil began fighting while Gehirn sang Baby Baby and danced like jumping Virgils Frogs.
Then BAM and slam, dead."