Ezra (main)
Dollface (semi-active) CSS/bio needs revamping
Wolf (semi-active) CSS/bio needs revamping
Jovan - Everything needs redoing pffff orz
Personal tumblr NSFW
Ezra's tumblr NSFW
Dollface's tumblr maybe NSFW
Wolf's tumblr NSFW
Name: xi, female
Age: 22
Zodiac: Aquarius
Likes food, manga, anime, RP, Tumblr, cute fashion, nature, horror films,
animals, soundtracks/music, gaming, stars/astronamy, Studio Ghibli, Asian Kun fu Generation
Pastel hair
Alternative clothing
Sometimes socially awkward
My skype is xiriuu feel free to contact me there for RP or anything else, i'm always up for meeting new faces and interactions. Just let me know who you are c: