themaskerade's blog

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Excluded; Jene-paul/Varius

This story takes place in the forest with both characters as deer. Once again, Jene-paul is deaf so he will have no spoken dialog. Instead he will communicate only in gestures and think what he is trying to say.
Also: If you read it I would like a comment.
Even if it is something silly like 'nice story'.

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Lady in Red; Varius/Jene-Paul

Apologies, but this is a story where the deer are personified as humans. If you do not like, then do not read. It has been an idea of mine for some time. Also, there is a little language.
themaskerade's picture

Is beautiful now no?

"Very sexy indeed!" *Kiss hoof*
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It Needs to Be Said...


You thought this was going to be something bad no?
Cheer up!
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Off Days...Poem

I see them there
behind the tree
sitting in gangs
here there is only me

I read it here
comments that hurt
Indifference to death
I wonder should I convert?

I approach them there
A polite bow, a cautious glance
They reply with lowered horns and angry roars
I suppose I never had a chance

I scan bios here
kills fawns hunts does hates devout
Is rude and mean in style?
I choose instead to opt out

I try to be friendly there
I wish to befriend the horde
Instead I watch from distance
I consider myself lucky to be ignored

I post my thoughts here
because I see the pain in my company's words
For all the friendship of the forest
Most are never accepted to the herds

I'm sure you're nice people
Yet in forest you slash and hack
Would it kill to meet a new friend
Welcome another to the pack...?

So I stay here alone
and you stay with your mate
Snapping at everyone who passes
It's alright I'm patient I'll wait.

Everyone has that off day
Maybe every day is bad for you?
I'll stay away and wait my turn
Some day you'll pull through

Said the Deaf girl to the blind
Your actions are rather rude
I can't ask to change your ways
least my words become misconstrue

So you play your deer
and I'll play mine
Niceness gets you few friends
Perhaps a new tag line?

Inspired by conversations with other forest friends.
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What do you do...

When a deer not stop following you?

Today I am playing with friend Atvana deer and then two deer not stop following us and getting between us and mooing at us!

We is trying to play and no matter where we go they stalk us.
It is making me nervous and scared!
I try saying "No no no" or "no paw ground" to say 'no we don't want to play with you sorry!" but they keep chasing and getting in our way!

How do you deal with deer who follow you everywhere and won't let you be with friends?
themaskerade's picture

Don't mind transparent help?

Would someone not mind making the background for this picture transparent?
It is of Jene-paul from TheForsakenone (100 thankyous!)
I want to use it on his biography but the background is very white.
If you are reading and not busy might you make transparent for me?

sorry for bother but I would really like to use for his biography.
themaskerade's picture


If my comments were digital colorings
My deer would have one friend
He'd enter the forest and play all day
Instead alone the time he spend.

If my poems were sketches
My deer would have a mate
They would never be separated
That seems quite impossible as of late.

If my kindness were fan art
I might get some in return
I could join the fan-art-thon
give and get pictures when my turn.

If my words were brushstrokes
My deer could be violent and crass
Regardless of this rude behavior
They'd still line up to kiss my ass.

If my words were water colors
No deer would dare lower horns at mine
My hundreds of friends would defend me
All I'd have to do is whine.

If my words were pencil lines
I could be featured on the front page
I would proudly shine in the spotlight
but instead I lurk back stage.

A side project. I will be getting back to writer war soon. I have an idea yes....
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warning: bad mood

I thought I would be warning community.
Today, I am not in so good of mood.
So Jenè-paul may be aggressive.
I cannot help it.
I am having bad short temper due to attitudes of others and tragedy in family.

I hope that you would be understanding.
It is nothing know I don't know any of you any way so, hm.
You may want to be giving him space.

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