Serpanther's blog

Lyeekha's picture

Abio pic dump- the|first|one - \BIG PICS/


Muum... look what's got into the yard...

Glad you could make it, do come in!

House party!


Floating Bridge Candles




Spells stick to fawns!

Lyeekha's picture



I've wanted bubble-blowing for so long asfjgdlhkashklghka
Lyeekha's picture

ABOMINATION - Tales of the Cursed Index


Chapter One


...will obviously look better when I have more pages, lul. Sticking out tongue
Lyeekha's picture

TONNES of Screenshots from the last week or so - Liëka and Irish Elk

Me tagging along behind Michaël

Liëka meets the Night God

(Look, he's all ghosty)

Night God looking handsome

In the strange world where Liëka, Queen of Darkness, lives now... there are no pine cones..... only chocolate.... *mysterious face*

Tabithaaa?! You look... different!

We didn't do ANYthing. >> <<

Oi! Get off me Tabii or I'll drop you on your head!

...I warned you!

Hi Her. :3
Lyeekha's picture

The BZD is called Velocity

....yeah, it is.


Lyeekha's picture

Stuffs: screenshots.

A strange new plant growing in the Triangle.... a thick vine of blue with large red flowers...


Even at a party of the Lightbringers, Liëka can't help but bring that touch of darkness. Hey, but it's halloween! You're allowed bats in your antlers!


A bit later on, is called to keep an eye on Pan.

And does anyone know who this is? Me and Fayne were wondering.
Lyeekha's picture

100 - *Darn* I'm so bored!

01] What is your pen name?
Liëka. lul.

02] How did you get the name?
It's my therian name. I worked the sound out first, then made the letters fit, hence the umlaut. Smiling

03] Do you use PC or Mac?
PC., why? XD;

04] What software do you use most often?
Um, probably Publisher.

05] Do you use mouse, or tablet?
Mouse for normal work, but I use tablet a lot a lot.

06] The color you use most often is?

07] What area of the pictures do you put most effort into?
FREAKIN LEGS. More specifically, the 4th/2nd (last, no matter how many total legs). I can never work out where it's supposed to be.

08] How long does it take you do draw a picture?
Gretly depends. If it's a serious, then about... uh, 3 hours. ^^;

09] Do you keep your rough drafts?
Yes. *pokes bulging paper draw full of crud pictures*

10] What kind of font do you use most often?

11] What's the dpi when you scan?

12] Do you do anything else when you're drawing pictures?
Hum/sing. All the time.

13] How many pictures do you draw in a month?
THOUSANDS. I draw constantly. And that is pretty much not a exaggeration. My teachers hate it.

14] What kind of paper do you draw your pictures on?
Any to hand.

15] What kind of paper do you use for sketches and drafts?
Grainy sketchbook paper.

16] How long does it take to ink something?
Really not long.

17] Do you do doujinshi or original manga?

18] Do you like doujinshi? Is it fun making it?
...what's doujinsh?

19] Ever submitted anything to a magazine?

20] Did it get published?

21] Who are your favorite artists?
For the famous.. I'd say Ecsher. But honestly?
I like Nem's art better. 8D

22] What's your favorite Anime/Manga?
Emergency Exit

23] Favorite Characters?
EDDIE! (squee!) ...and of course Kyran.

24] Any artists that you'd like to draw like?
Lyeekha's picture

Oh gods what am I doing! HELP! somebodyshootmelul

EDIT: Deer have grown! I'm gonna start dubbing clips soon, after I finish the Demon Gazelle tribute, and make an official page.

....OK, I admit I have a problem.
I am obbsessed.
....Whose Line Is It Anyway.
It's a comedy improv show.
And there is sooooo much of it.

And you know what I have done?
I just made deer for the WLIIA cast.
I have worked their sets out.
And I began to draw them as TEF deer, playing a game of Hollywood Director.

And my problem is that I DONT CARE PAHAHAHAAA
But I do. Because I'm acting like a freakin' over-obsessed fangirl.

And there is a rock at the playground that totally looks like the WLIIA stage! Woo! 8D

And I just thought up a concept for what Ryan Styles ought to look like in-Forest. The pelt has colours+designs based on his weird/crazy shoes.

I thought I'd just let everyone know.
Lyeekha's picture

Trying to record a video here, go 'way!

For crying out loud, trying to record Hunter's part of the video and I need to to be close up, so I have to have other players on.



And the weather changes don't last long, so please guys! D:

Edit: No, the message isn't gonna get in-Forest in time. Ah well. I'll just take a further-out one, and scrap the overlay idea
Lyeekha's picture

Can you help me develop my characters?

Seeing as the Questions bandwagon has started up again, I'm starting this up again, not that it ever started properly, lul

What I'm wanting is personal questions for my deer. Not the generic ones going round, done those already. I'll come up with an answer, and both you and me get to know them better. ...some questions I may refuse to answer, because of spoilers. But please PLEASE ask, because it's useful for the story comic, persona, history and a general interest. ^^

Where were were you born? Where would you prefer to have been born? Where (and how?) would you prefer to die?

Liëka: I don't know where I was born, it was never a question that was important to me. Same for the next question. And as for death... I think I'd like to die happy, at least. That goes without saying. Although, what with Endless Forest Deer supposed to be immortal, dying happy doesn't seem very likely. But I digress. I'd like a painless death, though I wouldn't mind pain really. I don't know.

FIU: I was born in the cave at the Playground rocks. ^^ I don't have a preference, really, you're born where you're born and that's that. It's not like it really affects you, I don't think. And I'd like to die in a nice way, but as long as you've had a good life, who cares! It hopefully shouldn't last that long.

Troll: As Liëka's brother, no, I don't know either. But I would've liked to have been born in the Idol waterfall. I would have liked the Pond better, but I couldn't breath underwater then. I'd like to die underwater too. The only place I've been truly happy.

Artemis: I cannot remember anything from before the Dark Lord got to me. And I'd like to die fighting.
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