Name: Lord Byron
-Hand Mask, Magpie pelt and Key Antlers (sometimes purple flowers)
-Skull mask, Key antlers and magpie pelt (sometimes flowers)
Name Meaning: Lord Byron - Historical figure
Title: Who Walks in the Beauty
Nicknames: Lord B ; Baby B
Picto: Picto
Picto Seems: H + U + 4
Gender: Stag
Sexuality: Bisexual, but he prefers the does :3
Hooman Form: ???
Birthday: December 22
Age: 1 Year
Human Age: 36 years old
Likes: The Nature, Sleep, Run fast, hop in circles, Swim in the Pond, the Ruin's tombs, Laying down, The Snow and the Night, shake his head frantically, friendly fights, being a Dandi deer!
Hobbies: Play with Fawns and Nameless and collect Spells
Favorite Food: Pinneapples ; Mushrooms ; Biscuits and oranges :3
Favorite Place: The Ruin ; The Crying Idol ; The Pond
Favorite Place for Rest: the Big Tomb in the Ruin
Color: Dark Red, White , Black
1. Drache (to him Lord Drache :3)
2. Faunet (Adopted daughter <3)
3. Kaoori
4. SS