onyxsoulclaw's blog

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In Forest games to try.

I have ben inspired by players like Dag and Virgil with there spell sparing (big thanks guys for the insperation) so had a look to see what other games could be played in the forest. This is what I have come up with.

Spell snaps:

For 2 or more players. Version 1 for old game users:

Get together with as many pelts/antler/mask & animal spells as you can Then deside which set to play with. next all snezze and if theres a match laugh. the first to laugh wins.

Version 2

For new game players:

Go to a tree and all rub/bite then spell cast if you get a matching item laugh and the ifrst to laugh wins.

Mask/Pelt/antler (Rock paper sissors) For spell storers:

Get together and face eauch other sneeze off a spell at the same time and see who goes for what :

Pelt covers mask
Anlters prod Pelt
Mask breaks antlers

Then fire off the spells and se who beats who. It's quite fun.

Have a go
I would love to know any feed back good or bad.
onyxsoulclaw's picture

Sorry dont cut the mustard

Yer know I messed up
Yerp I know i typed stupid things

U wana know why?

1) Im stressed, Works hard, I have to work with idiots who make my work load double as they cant do the simplest job right , yet they get paid more than me.

2) A member of my familys seriously ill and im worried sick for him. my familys stressed out over it.

3) My Bro's gone in the army. I fear for him

4) The government copany i work fors up for review and with high unemplyment levals I dont know how i will earn enough to live Irefuse to go on benifits and take from the government

5) I need a house to live in if i lose my job i cant get one.

6)I'm going to be doing a degree soon and really need to pass it. I may also be doing a apprentiship course

So im sorry I have cause offence I have caused.
onyxsoulclaw's picture

Christmas/seasons wishes to you all

To everyone,

I hope you have fun this Christmas
with laughter and good cheer.
Enjoy all the yummy food
And the tasty beer.

May you get your wishes granted
For this coming year

I wish you all three little things
Peace , happiness and wealth
and on Christmas day
I’ll say a toast to all your health.

If the dog eats the turkey
Keep on staying perky,
and have a little laugh
so long as the pud’s intact!
That’s the important fact

So I’m sending these warm wishes
to all at this time of year

I hope you have an awesome Christmas
and see you all next year!
To you all.

Sorry for being rather morose latley I have some person /family issues to deal with but know that this christmas wish to you all is from my heart no matter who you are or what you thing of me it's a wish to you all.

onyxsoulclaw's picture

Clash Of life

Some are smart
Some are not
Some are tall
Some are not
Some are old
Some are not

Some have peace, others have war,
Some want, others take
Some beg, others steal
Some Fester, others meditate
Some love, others hate

Ying is one
Yangs another
Sisters one
Sometimes brother

Mothers come
Fathers go
Aunts and cousins... How should I know??

Some are Dark others light
Some see reason
Others yell "fight"

Some say friend
Others say user
Some say
others say abuser

Some see with clouded eyes blind by emotion or fear
Other look to the light comming from a friends tear

Heart or mind, mind or heart one guides, one helps, which will you deside ? Perhaps they work side by side?

Afterall hay Life a big rollercoaster ride

But in the end a Hearts the same shape how ever you see it.
onyxsoulclaw's picture

Ballard of the couring stag

I shall stand proud
And bellow aloud

"Come here my doe! come here"

For here I do stand Not fawn but a stag
With antlers so strong
Not that I brag!
Chose me you wont be wrong.

My coat is long
and shines like the sun
My stance is bold
Im not weak or old

"Come here my doe! come here"

When my antlers clash my rival will feel rash
For daring to challenge me
His knees will knock
Tremple with shock
An run away my dear

Come join my Harem and be proud to be seen
With a wonderful stag like me

"Come here my doe! come here"

My lions are full
My eyes are keen
My voice is strong & Bold
I Roar not scream
My hooves are sharp
My anlters thick

For the best of the blood For strong sons and daugthers then

"Come here my doe! come here"
onyxsoulclaw's picture





4) You are one in a million which makes you extra special.

5) You are all talented even if you dont see it in yourselves. The work produced on this site is insperational. even if it does not have many comments.

6) There are hard times and happy times in life, this is how you know your alive. Somedays are harder than others, so just stand tall and face them, the better days are just round the corner.

7) Put the pain to the back of your mind remember all the happy times when the air was filled with laughter. they DID happen and still will even if it's differnert people, they will happen again.

Cool Do you think those gone ahead of us want to know they are making us mope. Nope! They want us to enjoy what we have and share it with others.

9) Throwing in the towel and letting the darkness wins easy/selfish, but think of those around you. Lifes an uphill battle somepeople dont even see the first part of it so dont waste it' get out there and open your eyes to the wonders around you. Even a trip on a bus can do it.

10) You are all my friends no matter what and I will always have a place in my mind /heart for you all.

11) If your being ignored by those around you dont jump the gun and blame that someone, stand back dont attack and try to find out whats wrong.

12 People wear peoblems like cloths some on the outside to be see, some on the inside hidden from view. never judge untill u know the facts.

13) Manners cost nout , but the rewards can be great

14) Dont expect people to tell u everything, dont bug them for it eaither, time the greatist healer

15) Dont winge about things you have not got, theres people round the corner who have only the cloth they lay in.
onyxsoulclaw's picture

Would you

Would you lie to me
Betray my trust
Say one thing and mean another

Who are you! To lie to me

You say your a friend
Dont play me fase
Using two voices to create a void
to cause anger, and get symphthy
Would you do this??

If so
Then know this
You should be who you really are
The real you
Not the Hyde
But the Jeckel

If not then you shall have nothing!
No one around you
You will be but a worm benith the sod (old eniglish word for ground/dirt/soil)
You can not have everything.

You can not play others against your self
The truth burns through
The pain the hurt you will feel
The regets the darkness

Do you really desereve this, want this, Why cause yourself such terrors. Friends who want to be friends never want to be bertrayed When you lose a friend true or not.... getting them back can take a lifetime.

Call wolf and it is the wolf you shall become.
onyxsoulclaw's picture

What you do in the commuintee

Do you draw
Do you write

Do you Role play
Do you fight

Do you comment
Or only watch

Do you tell tales of Characters Brave and bold
Or little rascels loved by young and old.

Do you post often
Do you post rarely

Do you find some posts scarry? (due to the fact they involve a fairy)

What ever you do no matter what
some thing some seem to have forgot
is that what ever you say about someones work
Please be polite
Don't be a jerk

We are not all shakespears nor piacassos blue (I can't spell but u get my drit)
But constructive comments
are what we should do.

For how can we develope
Or increase our skills
If all we hear is dark swill.

So what ever you see what ever you think
How would you feel if it was said to you!
Would you cry
would you boo
would you make acusations too?
At who at what... I bet you forgot!

Do you row wih yourself as two differnert characters,
Does your Character speak for you
do you crave atention from all around.
Or be happy in the stew.

Does it matter if comments come,
by ones, twos, or 100's
Sometimes work is behond words, or actions it's so strong
No comments does not mean no one likes
They just dont know what to say.
So never see no comments
in a negitive way.

One person is not King or queen
One person only has one voice.
No one rules.
That's against the rules.
No one speaks with the voice or others. One is not WE or US
Only the owner owns there voice speaks there words ...... feels their hurts.

There is a diverse group here some good some bad no matter what though we are a communitee..............We can only do our best to be the best we can..
onyxsoulclaw's picture

Are you In the forest....

In a crowd
All alone
Loud & proud
Quiet & Shy
Brash & Brazzen

Do you Bellow & Boom
or whisper to the gloom.
Do you try to make friends
Or walk passed.

Are you happy to dance
or Wont lift a toe
Do you welcome all
Or chase and bellow
Do you smile and bow
Or rear roar and howl.
Are you a grumpy old frump
Or a lightharted child
Do you
Run and gallop
Jump and cheer
Nuzzel and hug
And sleep very near

Whoever you are and however you act, your actions make reactions.

There are players out there some old some new who would like to make friend. So what should they do?
Do they try to follow the big group of deer, or sit down alone on there large rear.
Do they cast lots of spell and risk being chased, Beating and windged made a discrase! How would How should they know that that deer is fussy, just snezze.... dont you know??

At the end of the day It's only a game, a sneeze sorts out probs so lets all be friends. Dont get angery when someone miss understands you or rears up. Walk away smile & look for the beuty.
Your all great people just remeber that. Even when you row and scream your still amazing.
onyxsoulclaw's picture

Who wants to be in the big drawing for TEF calender!! update

Hi everyone I hope this message finds you all in good health and having fun.
Please take a seat & have some cookies & drinks.


Due to continus Health Issues & An incident The document you see below to accidently destroyed...... So I wont be ablr to submit it for the callender. I will be redrawing the whole thing. Whats on the screen is only a bit of it. My health issue means that I lose the use of my eyes for a while so I am very very ristricted on screen use. I use a machine at work , which is around 10 hours a day. Hence I have not been around much.Also I am waiting to have a new PC built this is going to take a while due to the spec I need...... I'm sorry to have failed you.

Would anyone like to give a discription of their deer to me to put in a big drawing. I would like to get as many deer as possible. (18 so far)

Please note these are not true colours.


The roughs done and the details going in. colour going in within the next few weeks , but due to a major health issue I cant use a computer that much. hence it's being done by hand. coloured in copics/promarkers/prisma's. Please note the deer are in a random or and there are no favs .

::Charaters story in drawing::

Fawn has falen over a frog Jester is behind it & trying to hit the breaks in mid bound, giving Lady Bones behind him a good veiw of his rear..... she's not amused at this! Another fawns smirking at it's friends situation and is about to step on a squirrel.

Mini Kaoori was asleep and is just waking with an all mighty yawn, unawere of Kherrari who is bounding over him. Whilst Quad thunders through the middle. Flanked By Ironrose &.........
Spyrre Stands on a rock to be leval with those she runs with.
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