Hi everyone,
I hope your all well, and life's good for you.
I thought I would try and inspire those of you who don't feel you can draw.
This is a demo of How I used to draw and how I draw now
Yer there is quite a difference. Though the new image is not perfect in any way.
The thing is to progress I did 1 simple thing.Whats that?
I learnt about real animals and there anatomy. If you can learn real animals anatomy then you can apply it to any creature.
This is the A4 colour test for the image
I still have a lot of amendments to make but these will be done on the A3 version. I also will be putting more in to the colours and details.
So no matter what level you are at keep trying,
You dont need to know complex stuff just how things work and why and then you will see an improvement to your work Never give in. you are amazing people you just need to believe in yourselves.