OkamiLugia's blog

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A Reflection of New Consciousness and Bodily Being

I came to this world on a rainy day. Yes, that's what it's called... A rainy day.

At first, all the sensations of being alive were overwhelming, painful. But this body just stood there, staring at the ground as the rain watered down the blood coming from the antlers.

Who's blood? Was it the blood of the ones I had swallowed?

Ugh, emotions... So... Upsetting.

The head of this body managed to move itself away from the ground and used its eyes to look at the world. The eyes saw moving shapes, similar to the shape of this body. They ran, jumped, completely one with themselves.

Just like the ones still in this body.

The eyes came across a mass of collected water... A pond. This body moved towards it and came to stand in its cold shallows. The head moved down again, so that the eyes were looking at the water. They saw this body's reflection.... Mine....?

Yes, even if I didn't feel it, I rested within this body, and that means I posses it. Or, at least, that's how most living things see themselves.

I stared at it and saw a strange creature, not unrecognizable to me. A deer, it is called. A type of animal in some worlds, but this is a different world.

It was gray, with very large red antlers. Its face was mostly normal, except skull replaced fur and skin in the area around the eyes. Oh, and those eyes. One must think they are blind at first glance, with the gray pupils and irises lined with red.

Yes, this is also when I realized that there was blood dripping from those antlers. Tiny droplets fell slowly from the tips, meeting with their reflections to disappear into the water.
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CSS practice 2

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Ooky's Bio and Updates

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Riza's Journey

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.: Ragnarok :. Swallower of Worlds (Retired)

I consider him retired, doesn't mean I won't ever play him again.

"It sates itself on the life-blood
of fated men,
paints red the powers' homes
with crimson gore.
Black become the sun's beams
in the summers that follow,
weathers all treacherous.
Do you still seek to know? And what?"

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CSS practice (ignore)

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Fun with Mistic (I think. He's missing his candles)

"More fun at the rock! Glad we had another deer to enjoy it!"

"How did you two get peacock pelts at the same time? Haha!"
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Fawns are so cute! ^_^

Haha they had a mooing contest!

Dancing is always appropriate.... Maybe not in the middle of a spar or fight... Maybe.

Ferin had a real fight not to long ago. I was afraid he might get hurt again. These fawns were just so cute it made me less worried. Sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you, little ones. I know there was another fawn I played with for a minute or two... I kept telling him/her to not get in the middle of the spar.

I love playing with fawns! And I actually like their silly little moo!
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"Wonder what's out there...."

I will be on a volunteer trip in Ecuador starting June 6 and won't be back until July 8 (savin' the whales and all that good stuff!). So, that means Riza will not be in the forest for a while. She will miss her fairly newfound friends very, very much. She will return a wiser doe. It'll beat the fawn outta me that's for sure! xD

She also hopes Ferin won't be too sad while she's gone. "You'll see me in your dreams." <3

I'll get on the website to say hi if I can!
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