MyuNoUta's blog

MyuNoUta's picture

Gasoline and Kerosene...[slight language and suggestive themes]

/ fail poem is fail
MyuNoUta's picture

I just wanna extend a thanks... whomever pelted Myu in her Mini form. While I didn't get a screencap of you, it was quite a pleasant surprise. Thanks <3
MyuNoUta's picture

Going on break again soon...

I like giving people a few day's notice xD

This Thursday, I will be going home for winter break. My winter break is from December 12th - January 24th. We get an extra two weeks this year.

This also means that I will have no internet for the majority of my time. I might pop in every once in a while as either Myu or Mie (Mie's picto will be ready on the 18th), but I can't guarantee much. It depends on how often I hang out with my sister.

So in short, Myu, Mie, and I will be mostly gone for winter break.

Be good guys~! And have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year~!

~Brittany <3
MyuNoUta's picture

~{The Lonely Child under the Lean-To}~ [Mie's Bio and Updates] [PLEASE READ UPDATE]

This bio has been moved to here.

Please retrack it.
MyuNoUta's picture

::Contact Info::


I doubt anyone wants to talk to me, but if they wish too, here's my contact info*, in plain sight:


AIM - The Mr Zurkon

Skype - Lady_Swiftkill**

* If you contact me, PLEASE tell me who you are, and that you're a TEF member. I get snippy when people message me, and I have no clue who they are.

**Because I am in the Forest more often than not when I'm on the computer, if you wish to talk to me on Skype, you MUST contact me through the community first. Or, if you have either MSN or AIM, message me there, and I will get on. Skype messes up my connection to the Forest, hence why I'm not on it when I'm in the Forest. Just be aware that I'll be quite shy on Skype, and it may take a while for me to feel comfortable chatting with a mic.

Good day =)
MyuNoUta's picture

::W A T C H . M E . F A D E . I N T O . T H E . B A C K G R O U N D:: [Myu's Cameos]

Well, I've decided to make a seperate blog for any appearances Myu makes; whether it's artwork, stories, or RPs, if you're looking for a Myu appearance, you'll find it here =)

If I missed anything, please let me know~!








+Beauty and the Beast

+The Nightmare's Voice

+There Was Nothing to Fear [Myu]

RPs (Roleplays)

+Let's Have An Interview

+Ask of Me What You Will

+Bring To Me Your Tales

+Death Of Me

+Fear Always Springs... [Questions, Under The Guise Of Action]

+A Group of Deer...

Thank you to everyone who has ever featured Myu in anything they've done~! <333
MyuNoUta's picture

::Ask of Me What You Will:: (Ask Myu...things >3)

Why in the hell did I decide to do this, despite the fact that RPing is not my forte?

Bleh, a combination of things I guess. I'm bored. I'm restless. I'm in the mood to write. And I'm curious as to how many people are actually gonna respond to this. *BRICK'D*

Basically, it's the same as everyone else. Just ask Myu anything you'd like; I'm not limiting the questions at all. And it doesn't matter whether or not she's met your deer; she'll answer to anyone. I prefer an RP-style, but you don't have to ask in such a fashion =) Also keep in mind that the responses might not be the greatest; I have very little faith in my writing, and depending on the question asked, it could be either as long as a sentence, or as long as over 9,000 paragraphs *SHOT for crappy joke xD;*


So go ahead, dun be shy~! Ask away~! xD
MyuNoUta's picture

Fly me to the Moon...(Break for me, oh yeah >3)

...and let me play amoungst the stars.

I'm SO glad the community is back up. I can FINALLY post this heads up.

Not that anyone's gonna care, but whatever. I'm in a good mood.

This coming Tuesday, I am going home for Thanksgiving break. There is no internet at my father's house. Which means Myu and I are going on a break from the Forest. Myu will still be in the Forest up to Monday night, I'm just giving a heads up.

I MIGHT be on at least once, depending on what my sister decides to do; I plan on going to her house this week, but we might end up going out instead of just sitting around the apartment with the doggies and bunneh >3

I will be returning to the campus and the Forest late Sunday afternoon.

Take care guys~! Be safe and happy while I'm gone~!

Brittany and Myu <3
MyuNoUta's picture

Dude....(Mainly a question for ToxicCreed)

That was the most epic goose chase EVAR.

Except, Myu and I am TOTALLY confused.

Myu thought Nightmare was pissed off...and Myu thought he was trying to hurt the fawn because of the Devout Pelt...that's why she was posturing and being aggressive, and she kept trying to lead the fawn from Nightmare to prevent the fawn from getting hurt/caught up in the darkness.

And then, Myu and I realize Nightmare's following HER, and she panics, because she thinks she's being hunted. Long story short, a lot of making up is done, and now they're chilling in the middle of the woods...

What the freck is going on? o______O;;
MyuNoUta's picture

Heads Up On Myu

Due to recent events, don't be surprised if Myu seems more edgy than normal. She's currently wandering the Forest, and she will play with fawns and friends, and anyone else that wants to play with her; HOWEVER, if she lowers her head, or starts rearing and taunting, don't be alarmed/surprised by it; like I said, she's currently on edge, and it's just a reaction mechanism for her.

She has nothing against anyone's deer, but if you're playing with her, and she does this, please give her space for a while!

Once she's had some time to relax, she'll return to you.

Thank you.

Brittany and Myu <3

EDIT: Myu's currently in the Ruins with Nightmare. While she won't mind friends or fawns approaching, she will posture and attempt to fend off anyone she doesn't know. Also, if you spell either her or Nightmare, don't be surprised if she gets pissed off at you and postures. Please keep that in mind folks.
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