LotsOfloves's blog

VV That is the deer that you see/met VV's picture

Candles please? Offline

Could someone cast the candles on vince? He is the stag with the default antlers, skull mask, and real deer dark pelt at the Twin Gods,
Thank you to Leo for helping me with the pelt!

Thank you Smiling
VV That is the deer that you see/met VV's picture

Crying Idol Mask please?

Could someone please cast the crying idol mask on my deer at the twins? I am wearing the real deer mask, Great Argus pelt, and noh stubs... thanks a ton!! Laughing out loud

Thanks so much to the deer that helped Smiling!
VV That is the deer that you see/met VV's picture

Casting help!

Just made a new character ^-^
I was wondering if someone could cast the real deer mask, real deer pelt (light) and noh stubs on me?
Im at the pond (crying idol mask, small black antlers, mini spell, default pelt)

Thank you to the amazing deer that helped ^-^
VV That is the deer that you see/met VV's picture

Art request :)

Hello everyone!
I was wondering if someone was intrested in drawing for me.. grr thats sounds selfish.. Shocked
BUT i need a pic for his bio... If you are intrested please go under the cut for more information Smiling
VV That is the deer that you see/met VV's picture

Walking {Vincent} In a WonderLand

VV That is the deer that you see/met VV's picture

Open Role Play:)

If anyone would be open to a role play.. I would be more then happy to accept Smiling

I will being using This character..
Ok guys thanks Smiling

And if you have any further questions, just ask Smiling

-------------RP LINE-----------
Morning crept along the horizon, Tay stretched her stiff limbs and rambled toward the pond. Leaning over she laps up water while scanning the landscape standing before her she observed small frogs just off the shore, she ignores them and continues drenching her eagerness for water. She was alert for any sudden, strange noises accompanying her. Trots briefly toward the Twin Gods to retrieve her pelt. After the bless, she returns back to her resting tree, she rubs against the Oak and set down again. Studying the enviornment around her, which she calls home.
VV That is the deer that you see/met VV's picture

I'll treasure {Elvira} your sweet heart

Under cut
VV That is the deer that you see/met VV's picture

Whos up for some drawin?

Hola (:
I was wondering if some very kind person out there, would draw my Tay,
It would be very much appreciated Smiling
If you are intrested,
here is her bio

This drawing will be for her bio,
Thanks soooo much!
VV That is the deer that you see/met VV's picture

Tayreah.. bio

Under the cut
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