Lalei's blog

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So Curious

Now that I've roamed through some Forum threads and Photos, I'm really curious to see how the Forest moves and changes.

Is there ever a Night?
When is there rain?
Are we not able to look up into the sky because Deer cannot do so in real life?
Does it actually snow, ever?
I heard what seemed to be thunder once, but nothing more happened after. What was that sound?
Do special things ever happen in fairy rings?
Why does the giant tree make such an ominous hum?

Some photos were apparent that they were photo-shopped, but others got my hopes up.

Lalei's picture

Alright, All Set

Thanks to flyleaf, I'm up and runnning.

I've created a new picture for my new deer. I love it. Now I'm ready to explore the beautiful wild.

I did some frolicking around already, and it was really cute. An older deer found me, and I got scared.. But it kneeled toward me, and the gestured seemed friendly, so I kneeled back. And off it went in another direction!

That greeting helped me feel better. I'll continue to look around...
Lalei's picture

I am testing.

I love getting the chance to have a new experience. I hope I have fun in The Endless Forest.

...but first, I really must figure out how to get my deer's name displayed...
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