Jinxyness's blog


Eventually will be a bio... .__. Look at your own risk.



Mental: ||||||||||
Physical: |||||||||
Daughter of Melody and Pheolosias, mother of Vesas.
ID: /

Animal spell, please?

I would really appreciate the help... I'd like to get the crow spell, and if anyone is willing I'd love some help with changing the size, too.

Pictogram is this, and I'm sitting in a mushroom circle near the Pond with Monarch antlers, the Orca mask, and the Beluga pelt.

Thanks in advance... :'D

Screenshot Dump (image heavy) [updated 5/21/12]

The camera-durr strikes again! Will be updating this as I see fit...

Art Requests [open]

So, I'm off on Friday and was waiting for a good time to take requests.... so fire away. c: I don't think I'll have slots but I'll be picking and choosing(or maybe just working out of order); whatever catches my attention. And one more thing, you must request for another person and not for yourself.
The art will be little sketch-things like this. But it will probably vary from piece to piece.

1. Key
2. Toukan
3. Cadaver
4. Andante
5. Willow

Tongues of Flame and Violet Flowers [Sage, Denali; open roleplay]

Denali's bio:


The bleat of a fawn echoed off the trees of the birch forest. Twig legs kicked wildly as it fled the woods for the safety of it's mother's embrace.
The doe sniffed at the fawn, nudging him while checking him for scrapes and bruises. None more than at her last inspection.
"Denali," she said, greeting her son. He gave a feeble whimper in return. He moved to cradle his mother's head with his. The yearling's floppy, too-large ears were flat against his head with the pressure. She turned her head and gently pushed him into a laying position with her velvet nose. She curled herself around him, and they both fell asleep.
Scorching heat singed Denali's spotted pelt, jerking him awake. The fawn squeezed his smarting eyes shut. He wailed his discomfort, and stumbled to his feet.
Everywhere he turned there was fire. Blinding, white-hot pain shot through his trembling body accompanied by adrenaline.
The energy that charged him was not pleasent. It was pure fear, like ice coursing through his veins.
Denali squalled and flailed his tiny hooves, jabbing at his invisible enemy that was everywhere and nowhere all at once. He soon gave up the fight and ran, his throat burning and eyes watering, but he did not open them. It hurt too much. Even if he had, a thick cloud of black smoke blanketed the ground, everything was hidden from view. The fawn kept going, constantly falling over, cuts criss-crossed his knobby knees where he hit the ground.
A flash of light, a changing landscape; Denali did not react. He was in shock, beyond fear and crying out in agony to anyone who could hear.
A rock scratched his hoof, and he tripped over it, landing in a heap in a patch of violet flowers. He could not get up. His bloodshot eyes fluttered open, though, and although he saw, his vision was clouded. He saw a doe standing over him.

It was Sage.


Set help?

Could someone help me get the Golden Butterfly pelt for my deer? Please and thank you. c:
Pictogram. I am on the bridge...


Mental: 95%- happy, playful.
Physical: 93%- out of breath from running around, bruised shoulder from a fail!trip earlier
Thoughts: "You can't see me! : D"
Pictogram: [x]
Gender: Doe
Species: Chinese Water Deer
Size: #4
In-game set: Monarch antlers, Secretary pelt, and Orca mask

Personality Type: INTP, stable quokka-soul

Autumn is not the type to talk for the sake of talking, and she is a much better listener than a speaker. She will speak when she has something that she needs to say, and is generally not very verbose. Her heart is in her words, and Autumn thinks through what she will say beforehand.
She is always very interested in her surroundings, and can act without caution when the time suits her. Autumn can be invisible at times due to her mellow ways, and acts quite differently around strangers than around friends. Around those she has gotten to know well, she is energetic, bouncy, and perky. Autumn doesn't fight with her friends. In her eyes, it is just not worth it and to be avoided at all costs. She also has adeep-seated desire to be loved, but doesn't realize it yet and has no intention of being flashy and flirtatious because of this. She is passive, and very conflict-avoidant. Autumn is not a very sensitive doe, instead choosing to bottle up her feelings and her pain.
Overall, Autumn is shy, timid, friendly, and resilient. She is not one to be confrontational, and is generally very friendly.

Autumn is a petite doe, with a golden brown pelt and glittering green eyes. She has tusks that protrude from her jaw even when she closes her mouth, and has no antlers. Her coat is short and coarse in the summer season, but then grows out to be thick and soft in the winter.

Woke up from a long nap at De Drinkplaats. A deer just outside the mushroom circle(Myszka) acted as though he knew me, and then was displaying confusion. Wasn't expecting to see me, perhaps? Greeted the deer properly and then left to drink from the Pond and visit the statue of the Twin Gods. Played with two fawns, one with a Secretary pelt and the other bare-pelted. Rested again near the bridge, and fell asleep at the treeline between the Crying Idol and the Pond.

Played by the pond and the Idols with a brown-pelted stag and a bunny. Mock-reared aand bolted away from him, mooing to let him know her location, and showed that it was only a joke. Alternated between hopping around with the stag and laying down by various trees and played a new game she liked to call hide-inside-a-tree. Only thing is, her head was sticking out of it anyway.


My Soul to Take [Kuumiza]


A character has been lurking in the back of my mind for the past couple of days. Her past, her life story, her set even have been my newest fascination. Originally she stemmed from an idea.
The lover turned dark who's mate was lost to her, or perhaps chose to hurt her. This sounds a little silly to me as I am typing it but; I was thinking her mate became one with a tree.

Her parents told her about the Forest, explaining to her that it was an evil place, full of deception and lies. And that if she saw their way of life from the outside it would not resemble the truth of what it is like. So her brother turns on her later and drives her away, into the Forest, the same place where her mate was.

She recognizes his tree and lays beside it, refusing to get up and scared out of her mind of what will happen to her.

She will be sitting by a tree by the pond when online, and the grey pelt, real deer mask, and peacock feathers will represent her(she doesn't have them at the moment but that's because it's a new account. If you can help me get that set, you could have your deer bow three times and I'll be OOC for a bit.) Her actions could be unstable, but I would like to try to channel in her personality and be her for a bit. Please don't be offended by her actions, she is mentally disoriented. :c

Those who manage to comfort and befriend her somehow, I applaud you for your perserverance and overall skill; I can sense she'll be a tough one. If you do interact her please post here. I would like to roleplay with her too, so don't be afraid to ask.

Would someone volunteer to be her friend in these dark times for her? It will all be worth it, I promise.

Kuumiza is OFFLINE.
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