Graveyard's blog

Graveyard's picture

- The Warning System -

Hello Jenny,

We have no problem at all with nudity. Or the suggestion of sex acts,
even. As long as it is done for the sake of art, and not pornography or
shock value. Ugliness is more offensive to us than sex. So make sure
that whatever you post is beautiful! Smiling

We don't really see what nude pictures or pornographic content have to
do with The Endless Forest, though. So we'd urge everyone to try and
maintain the atmosphere of the game on the community site.

Michael & Auriea.

Information Lies under the Cut

This is for Anyone to use as Reference should the need arise that someone gets pissy due to something. Linking back to here, or if Doe doesn't delete the other blog will prove that there should be no tiffs over the subject matter.

I have the Comments of this Blog Hidden. However if by the Request of others I will remove the block. However, should it rise up to be a bad situation they would be hidden once again.

- For anyone that says I'm trying to be the 'boss' of this entire thing. No, I am not... I am posting Examples I am not forcing nor shoveling this down someones throat stating that they MUST use this. I am merely posting the E-mail from M&A and posting my own system for things that I use.

Graveyard's picture

{Do the shadows cover} [RP/Mature] {him as his shadow?}

"Never Anger The Beast and Guardian"
WARNING! This Blog Could Lead to Mature Situations, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!
At Most this Will Not Go Beyond PG-13, more sensitive subjects can and will likely be touched in MSN, AIM or YIM. The Warning, is just that... a WARNING stating that there could be sensitive subjects in this blog.

This is an Interaction Blog for the one known only as Ezerael

Many may come, many may go. This is for Roleplaying and getting to know the character as he will very rarely be seen or played in game. So if you wish to meet and get to know him, do so here. It will be far easier than expecting or waiting for him in game.

Ezerael's RP Blog is not something that will be overly mature. He is Violent, but there is never really anything that would warrant the true maturity factor in the sense. At most, the PG-13 will be hit through many, many swears and cussing from the creature. He will bitch up a storm if he's pissed off enough.

You can use this blog to ask him questions, and to find out more about the character in general as well. There is no fear of him doing his experiments on you, as he needs dead flesh and bone to use his powers properly.

Please be mature with your posts, if you do not like what this is then kindly ignore it and move along elsewhere please and thank you.

Graveyard's picture

~*~ With His eyes He Will Take Them ~*~

"Metaphorically, the name has come to be used for any extremely large or powerful entity."

Roleplaying is Allowed on His Page, Feel free to Post a Deer Meeting him if you Desire.
Offline/Not In Forest
WARNING! Voice Contains WORLD OF WARCRAFT SPOILERS! Do not view if you want to wait UNTIL Cataclysm comes out to view this!
Music is Not Autoplay

"The Beast of Orange and Purple"
Main Alias: Ezerael
The Beast
The Undeath
The Purple Myst
Gender: Male/'Stag'
Mate: There is No Mates for him to Choose From
Age: Immortal, Ever Living, Several Centuries
Origins: Behemoth, Undead
Powers And Abilities: Superior Strengths, Extreme Senses, Jaw Force of a Crocodile (2000+ lbs. of Force), Gaze of Petrification.
Heritage: Unknown
Orientation: Unknown
Voice: From 0:58 - around the end (Add a slight cajun accent combined and you have his voice)

Graveyard's picture

{Journey Towards} [RP/Mature} {The Depths}

"Care to Pay a Audience with Grand King Valturez"
WARNING! This Blog Could Lead to Mature Situations, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!
Depending on the situation Violence may occur and minor 'love' if it gets to that point. Groping, etc. is not uncommon for the Grand King Eye
This might seem Offensive To those who hold different views to where Valturez comes from. I mind you that none of this is meant to be offensive to anyone. This is merely just for his story. Thank you!
At Most this Will Not Go Beyond PG-13, more sensitive subjects can and will likely be touched in MSN, AIM or YIM. The Warning, is just that... a WARNING stating that there could be sensitive subjects in this blog.

This is an Interaction Blog for the one known only as Valturez

Many may come, many may go. This is for Roleplaying and getting to know the character as he will very rarely be seen or played in game. So if you wish to meet and get to know him, do so here. It will be far easier than expecting or waiting for him in game.

Valturez's RP Blog is not something that will be overly mature. I placed a warning because he is a very passionate being when he gets close to one he feels the need to have as a friend or feels a spark inside. One another note, Valturez is also very touchy about certain subjects (Namely those pertaining to Lucifer, his family or his former lovers) and he is not unknown to have a burst of anger show up.

You can use this blog to ask him questions, and to find out more about the character in general as well. There is no fear of him doing his experiments on you, as he needs dead flesh and bone to use his powers properly.

Please be mature with your posts, if you do not like what this is then kindly ignore it and move along elsewhere please and thank you.

Graveyard's picture

~*~ Through Twisted Dreams ~*~ (Old)

CSS Testing

Graveyard's picture

{Through the Graves} [RP/Mature] {Meet the Graveyard}

"Dig Yourself Into a Shallow Grave..."
WARNING! This Blog Could Lead to Mature Situations, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!
Gore, Violence, Heavy Bloodshed, Ideologically Sensitive, Rated R.
At Most this Will Not Go Beyond PG-13, more sensitive subjects can and will likely be touched in MSN, AIM or YIM. The Warning, is just that... a WARNING stating that there could be sensitive subjects in this blog.

This is an Interaction Blog for the one known only as Graveyard

Many may come, many may go. This is for Roleplaying and getting to know the character as he will very rarely be seen or played in game. So if you wish to meet and get to know him, do so here. It will be far easier than expecting or waiting for him in game.

As stated above, MATURITY is a Must when interacting with Graveyard, not so much for sexual reasoning but because of the sheer fact that he does cruel things to the creatures he brings back from the dead. Twisting their bodies and bones into something else completely. His powers in Necromancy are far greater than one would expect.

You can use this blog to ask him questions, and to find out more about the character in general as well. There is no fear of him doing his experiments on you, as he needs dead flesh and bone to use his powers properly.

Please be mature with your posts, if you do not like what this is then kindly ignore it and move along elsewhere please and thank you.

Graveyard's picture

~*~ Crawling from the Grave ~*~

The Tales of a Necromantic Being from an Eternal Graveyard.
"Listen, babe, evolution didn't give me these teeth so I could hunt the elusive white radish. I need meat. Red meat."
Roleplaying is Allowed on His Page, Feel free to Post a Deer Meeting him if you Desire.
Offline/Not In Forest
Minor Warning for Lyrics of Songs Played, Not Autoplay

It Should Be Noted That 'Graveyard' Is His Nickname
Main Alias:
Gender: Male/Buck
Mate: N/A, Perhaps someone can win his 'heart'
Age: Endless, his powers allow him to be eternal.
Origin: Undead, Zombie, Necromancer Whatever you wish to call it
Powers/Abilties: Necromancer, he can raise the dead with the magic he bears with him and twist the figure to something more suiting should he see fit. Through recent discoveries he has also delved into the art of Poisons and tonics. Most of these are deadly, but he uses poisons specifically to torture others... in slow, and agonizing sessions.
Heritage: Navajo
Orientation: Bisexual
Voice: Listen from 2:07 - 2:34

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