May 4, 2010 - 9:12pm — daughterofthestars
I really want to start playing the game with my pictogram, but I'm not getting any emails from Tale of Tales!
I have registered for both The Endless Forest and for the Tale of Tales Forum, but neither of the confirmation e-mails have made it to my inbox. I even sent a message to THEIR e-mail to ask how long it would take to get the confirmation link, but I haven't gotten a response yet... and how would I know if I have or not, if I'm not getting e-mails from them in the first place?
I'd love to post on the forum to ask about the lack of confirmation e-mail, but I can't post there until I receive THAT confirmation e-mail!
I've double and triple checked the way I spelled the e-mail address, and everything matches up. I don't understand why it's not working!