Dapper's blog

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Set help please? (Solved thanks!)

Just wondering if anybody would cast the crying idol mask on this little guy? He'll be sleeping at the playground.
I would really appreciate it C: Thanks

A big thanks to who helped me with the pelt! It took quite a while C: thanks for being patient
Dapper's picture

Where the :|:CYPRESS:|: Red Moss Grows

Major CSS update!
All of this is pretty much a WIP and
may change in the future C:
Dapper's picture

::Mewl Bio

This is a WIP...! Also, the top image is the adult, fawn image soon. ♥
Dapper's picture

New here...Kind of..

Hello everyone... I guess. Um, bad introduction...cuz Im bad at introductions...

I just thought I'd get that outta the way...
So I started playing the forest a loooong while ago, I'd rather not reveal who I used to be though. C:

But I see how the forest has developed wonderfully and how characters are now played and created; its all so beautiful and imaginative. Does anyone else remember enough to see how much this place has changed into a roleplay game? C:

Well, that was mushy. I'll be off now~
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