BeardedNaga's blog

Orca cast request

Hello all. I'm looking for someone to to cast the entire Orca set. on my Stag Who I'm still struggling to name.

The Pelt, antlers, and mask.

I would be grateful if someone is willing. I'll be seen mostly near the water ways.

If you have any questions pleas feel free to ask.

I'm still new to this group. and Need help with what to do and how to do it.

PS: I need help learning how to "Chat" in game using body language. and how to ask for Help in Game.

Looking for someone to Cast the Orca set to my Stag

Hello. can anyone cast the entire Orca set on my Stag?

The Pelt, Antlers. and Mask?

Also some name advice would be welcome for my Deer,

My Pictogram is this one:
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