arrowdoe's blog

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YouTube help?

Okay, so I made a video using Windows Movie Maker, but when I go to upload it on YouTube, it says that it's not a video format.

I've installed a Video File Format Converter and tried to change it to the correct format, but I can't find it when I look for it.
arrowdoe's picture

Understanding Jacob

Because sometimes you just don't know what do think... x3;
If you have any questions about what Jacob does that's not on the list, PLEASE ask them here ^^

arrowdoe's picture

Is it a bad thing if...

We just received over 3 1/2 (I'd actually say it's more like 2 feet lol) feet of snow at my house? It started last night. Sticking out tongue
It's never snowed this much around Christmas time here.
The last time it snowed this much in one day was years ago, but that was in October, not December.
FFFF Forget this, I'm gonna go play in the snow as soon as the my movie is over XD
arrowdoe's picture

I'm... sorry.

Little Red...

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Un Appology de Merci

Il s'est senti plus formel de le poster dans le français, puisque je peux m'exprimer mieux avec cela.

Je m'excuse de tout ce que j'ai fait.
Le merci tous pour tout <3
J'ai reçu l'idée de VCG, donc grâce à vous pour me donner une façon d'exprimer merci et appologies

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Jacob's Picto-Switch

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know, those who know Jacob, that his account grew up.
Here's his picto from now on.
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Views of the Abandoned Calf I

Some secrets are better left undiscovered...

Read more please~

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ArrowDoe's U.P.D.A.T.E.S

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Jacob & Aleit Roleplay & Question Blog

I'm really bored, so I thought I'd open up a roleplay blog for Jacob and Aleit. Feel free to use any character you want.

-Jacob can be either human or deer roleplay, but I preferdeer
-Aleit is ONLY avaliable for deer roleplay

Jacob speaks in pale green.
Aleit speaks in stormy blue

You may also ask any questions that you'd like. The boys will attempt to answer them the best that they can.

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