aldebaran's blog

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yep... drawing around a bit...
music is on, forest is on.... and i fear micro, too.

you may hear the roaring thunder outside xD
aldebaran's picture

at the pond

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[mature warning]

aldebaran's picture

wild pixels. (added: Tulio, Isa | Requests open)

You can drop your requests here.
Meanwhile i am confident enough that I will be able to do the more fancy designs as well... its just a matter of time. I would prefare to stick with the deer.


I don't want to sound rude but... although it is not much work... it is still WORK. Please... request just one at time.

Yes i know, leveled asked for two at the same time... but she at least contacted me privately before and asked if it is okay... or if she should give something in return (not that i wanted something) she was... polite.

if this here gets too much i have to close the requests....

so. one at time. don't be so greedy.

aldebaran's picture


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!Language Warning!

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