- Free to use
- Modify as much or as little as you'd like
- Leave credit in place (moving position is fine, as long as it's somewhere)
- If you don't like the little pictogram (
) in the upper right corner (it links back to this page), you may remove it and link back in the disclaimer.
- Let me know if you find any bugs! I'm human and I occasionally overlook things.
- Ask if you have questions, but if you want anything extensive you might be more interested in my custom code blog.
- All of my blogs include a "Me" font class that can be coded to match your character's speech font and color (look for "font.me" in the stylesheet). It will work on any page of your bio. Instead of your usual coding, use
<font class="me">Words</font>
and it will automatically set it up for you. If you ever decide to change up your character's color, it'll change all instances of that font on every page, too! No more memorizing hex codes or shadow/glow values! (at least while you're on your own biography)
- All of these hide forum signatures by default. If you would like for signatures to be displayed, remove this line from the comments section of your stylesheet:
.comment .clear-block .content .clear-block{display:none}
- Don't see anything you like? Try a template from one of the other wonderful coders on TEFc! Find them here.
Only one right now, but I'll add some more whenever I get bored and feel like making some.
Here are some ideas I was throwing around. Let me know if you see one you have to have. I'll code more-requested designs first.
Also feel free to throw layout ideas my way if you are so inclined.
Beginner - Boxes, text, and maybe a couple of images. No tabs or hover elements.
Intermediate - Javascript elements (including tabs), hover tooltips or images, minor positioning
Advanced - ALL the codes! \o/