Sorry for bumping, but... it feels bad when there doesn't seem to be anybody who reads it...
Okay so. This is my "new" deer, Monde. I am currently writing about her past, but all this has become so long that I decided to cut it in multiple parts. Her story is a bit weird, and she remembers only a few fragments of it. So this will be told by her, as she thinks about all what happened before she came to TEF. Which has a strange background... but, read it yourself, if you wish.
Random info if some of you don't know: I read somewhere that "hawkshaw" is an American english word for detective. And this word just fits too well into my Shawnee deer concept, huh? And why detective? You'll realize it during the story!
So this is part 1! More to come soonly.
How you gonna see tomorrow
You're wide awake but fast asleep
Is it gonna take forever
To watch you swallow your whole life
I'm not gonna wait till they tear you away
And they screw you up, so you hide your face
« A face like a puppet. »
« What a beautiful fawn. »
« But she has such an ugly face like her mother. »
« They told me it is like that where she came from… »
« From that weird and shady Forest of the Faces? »
« Seems so. »
Stop talking like that about where my mother came from.
Where is she?
She should be here to warm me.
She is here.
I feel warmer.
A loud voice, from a strong stag.
« I cannot accept her in my family. »
« But … why not? She is your daughter! »
« She is your daughter, and not my wife’s. »
« You … you can’t just push me and her away like that! »
« I can. »
Why is mom crying now?
Don’t cry, mom! There is no reason.
« Go. »
« But… »
« Go. My family and me can not handle this scandal. »
His words are funny. I smile to him, his face is so funny and long.
But why is mom still crying?
He looks into my eyes.
He has deep blue eyes.
Mommy’s eyes are not blue. They are green.
What eye color are my eyes? I want to know.
But I can’t use funny words like they can.
« Goodbye, my child. I have to leave. »
I am your child. You can’t just leave me here.
Again, tears in her eyes.
« Be strong, my girl. Be strong, Monde. Don’t cry. »
I am not crying, you are crying!
She leaves, she goes away. She runs. Dust from her hooves is the last thing I see from her.
Why did she go?
My father pushes me onto the floor.
« You are not strong enough to follow her. But you will never live with me and my family. »
What is he talking about?
He brings me away.
I see stones, stones everywhere, stones which form a big building.
My father leaves me. I am too weak to follow him as he runs away.
Sitting at the stones is starting to bore me.
I am hungry, but a lightbrown doe brings me food. She walks lightly, without making any noise.
I feel it, she’s nervous.
« Thanks for the food. »
She smiles. A long face smile.
She looks surprised.
I can use funny words too.
« Give me something to do. »
She looks afraid, she doesn’t know what I mean.
« I’m bored. I need something to do. »
She just goes away, like my mom did.
« I am bored! »
End of part 1
Feedback would be appreciated. <3
Lovely style of writing,
--Stays a lonely Seele
I really love this writing.
I really like how you wrote
Poor fawn. ó__ò
The abstract style of
I applaud you! Well done <3
Beautiful and heart
I listened to a soft song of Yoko Kanno while reading this, they went well together and it made me really sad to read that the fawn was pushed away like that.
I am eager to read the next part.
Btw the song was "Hanashi" by Yoko Kanno from the "Cowgirl ED ost"
If you listen to it, listen to it completely, then you will know what I mean
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
Oh, why! I've thought nobody
@Mis - Aww, thankyou. <3 Glad you enjoy this style!
I hope you will. (:
@Gevaar - Actually, it's rather simple. Nothing compared to your amazingly decorated picture-stories! But, yeah, thanks a lot! <3
@Narina - I give in, your "He & He" was inspiring. Thanks for reading, and liking this!
And indeed, Monde didn't have it easy...
@Rave - Thank you for the kind words! And for the applaus! 8D -bows-
@Nishi - Wow, thank you.
I hope the next part will be up soonly. (:
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu