louiserio's picture
I have booked a deer gathering. It will take place Sunday the 7th in the greak oak. Many times I have searched for an enourms group of deer, my searching in vail. So instead I suggest that we gather, so we can roar, chat and cast spells on each other. It will be truly a deer party. Please be present on the date. I will be there all through the meeting. Don't miss it

Syrani Kaliana the doe
(food and drinks available) XD
(also, forgot to mention, it will be my stag day!)
Haru's picture

I shall try to be there

I shall try to be there =)
and by the way, happy stag day! *flings confetti*

louiserio's picture

my stag day will be then,

my stag day will be then, hehe, not today if thats what you understood!
xhunter's picture

will try to come i can try

will try to come Smiling
i can try to come if i don't have to do enything. should be there! Smiling

inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at Smiling
is staring at you. *star*
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at Smiling