May 31, 2009 - 7:05pm — louiserio
I have booked a deer gathering. It will take place Sunday the 7th in the greak oak. Many times I have searched for an enourms group of deer, my searching in vail. So instead I suggest that we gather, so we can roar, chat and cast spells on each other. It will be truly a deer party. Please be present on the date. I will be there all through the meeting. Don't miss it
Syrani Kaliana the doe
(food and drinks available) XD
(also, forgot to mention, it will be my stag day!)
I shall try to be there
and by the way, happy stag day! *flings confetti*
my stag day will be then,
will try to come i can try
i can try to come if i don't have to do enything. should be there!
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at
is staring at you. *star*