Dear Kinsha, From Peppa C;

Peppa's picture
Excuse her grammar, she's deaf and has a rough go of speaking correctly.
Kinsha. You are Peppa's fwiend now, wight? Mk, well Peppa thinks Kinsha does not laugh a lot. Peppa wants her fwiends to laugh. So, as Peppa's fwiend, Peppa thinks Kinsha is sad. Peppa thinks Kinsha should laugh. From now on, Peppa will try to make Kinsha happy! Cirrus, too. Peppa wants Kinsha to laugh! She wants him to be happy for her. Peppa will make Kinsha smile, it's a pwomise!

She wanted him to know C;
Peppa wants everyone to be happy.
She's found someone to try to help smile, a new friend.
Pegasicorn's picture

He doesn't know what to say,

He doesn't know what to say, but that did make him smile a bit. =]

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Draak's picture

awwww CX Cirrus is quietly

awwww CX
Cirrus is quietly smiling at all that xD


DraakxMitra C:

awww is the only word for

awww is the only word for that <3


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