June 18, 2011 - 8:33pm — Shawna
and some other annoying pests I didn't bother mentioning.
You're all attention whores.
Gtfo the site.
Thanks, but not really.
-All other members.
wow. that was uncalled for.
Hello. So are you. Welcome
So are you.
Welcome to the gang! (:
Looks like someone pissed in
Add me too! 8D
That was actually funny.
WAIT. ADD ME TO THE LIST. I mean, just look at the people on it. I"D LOVE to be on ANY list with those people on it.
o_____O lol?
Lmfao. You're so
You're so intelligent.
ROFL Mis. |D
yeah, just delete this, WAY
WAY uncalled for...
If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything at all...
This needs to be deleted...
Please read this, just for
This made me lol. Gtfo the
Gtfo the site, damn flea.
Dear Quad, You rock : )
You rock : )
lmao given that half of those
Have a nice day~
Hehe.. funneh. Who wants
Who wants attention now, hm?
Grow up.
Okay, who exactly are you to
Believe me, you're more hypocritical than you think.
And with this kind of attitude, I have no idea what you're even doing here on the site.
The people on that list have never done anything to upset anyone else, so I can only assume... That you're butthurt for not getting the attention these active, hard-working community members enjoy.
you're the one shouting for attention.
you gtfo this site.
And believe me, after posting this kind of crap, I doubt anyone would want to welcome you on here.
And one last thing... What makes you think you're speaking on behalf of everybody else?
Oh, and add me on the list as well. I'd love to be up there with my friends >w<
Lol, you're kidding. Right?
add me too
add me too
LOL^ I like zebras >.> yeah,
I like zebras >.>
yeah, feel free to add me as well
Quote:and some other annoying
Point proven.
God, you're all so cool, aren't you?
This community has gone downhill. Ugh.
"Point proven. God, you're
God, you're all so cool, aren't you?"
We like to think so. Your opinion won't change that fact, my dear
Pfffft, no, we just don't
no, we just don't take you sriously... At all.
Downhill from what exactly?
What is that a down-grade of exactly?...
Hey, here's a cool idea for
if you're sooooo sad that this place has 'gone downhill', maybe you should GTFO the site and STFU! c:
Hey, now, that was a little
I haven't even seen you around around the site until now, despite the fact that you been here for as long as you have.
What did these people ever do to you?
"Hey, here's a cool idea for
if you're sooooo sad that this place has 'gone downhill', maybe you should GTFO the site and STFU! c:"
Go be butthurt over pixels somewhere else.
Quote:Hey, now, that was a
That's none of your fucking business.
They're just a bunch of selfish pricks.
Why don't you go do yourself a favor and fuck yourself? Thanks.
No need to be angry,
Shawna, if you don't like this community, may I recommend Feral Heart? It may be more of the kind of crowd you're looking for.
No offense, but don't judge
@ Quad: WIN!
@ Shawna ROFLmao. Skittles
Skittles suppositories for ya!
Give some colors to your crap.
Ooooooooooohhhhh Frog-a-money
Felt like posting that here.
And a new Troll on tef ; like
My troll-sense is tingling...
No need to take this thing seriously, guys. 9_9
*rolls away*
OOOOOOOOOOO *raises hand* add
That's all I have to say.
That's all I have to say.
Hey Shawna. why don't we
why don't we dress your dumbass in a stfu dress
and make you dance.
Put on your great finale hat everyone so we can leave this retard to their thread and pathetic life.
Oh do feel free to add me to
For the record:
This game is nothing but pixels on your screen, and being butthurt over it isn't going to do you jack shit. If you can't take stuff on the internet like this then perhaps you shouldn't be on it at all. Go whine and cry and bitch somewhere else, take a chill pill and unplug your computer for awhile. You are clearly not old enough to be online.
(To everyone else, I apologize but I simply had to put my 2 cents in on it... *leaves the topic alone now*)
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Hello! My name is
Nice to meet you!
It appears that you are having a problem dealing with your frustration and anguish in a feasible way. I am going to point out that this is not the proper way to handle these emotions and instead offer some alternatives to create a solution that could benefit you and the rest of the community!
Of course, I completely understand your need to have and express an opinion. Courtesy of freedom of speech, go ahead. The issue here is where you are expressing your freedom! :]
I would recommend that you take a step away from whatever device you are using to type out this post and collect your thoughts. Do these emotions effect you in real life enough to the point that you need to take out your whirlwind of emotions online?
There are better ways to solve this!
Open some sort of typing program. Word, notepad, whatever your fancy. As long as it isn't connected to the internet!
Type out exactly what is bothering you, swear, whichever may work. Word for word, explain your anger in a way that allows you to cool off. Save that document, and do not look at it for an hour or so. Browse, watch a movie, anything really as long as you aren't directly posting those emotions to the web, and then come back to it.
Wow! Such anger! Silly me! I could have embarrassed myself and created unneeded emotion turmoil in the TEFc!
Golly gee, excellent! Now I am not as angry and have figured out a better way to solve the problems I have!
Aren't you glad you didn't post it to the internet? Now nobody is amused, confused, angered, or saddened in what could have been a rash emotion-fueled action!
Instead of directing your anger and frustrations to others, the peace is kept. :]
Other people still bothering you?
Relax. It's a computer. Really.
It uses electricity and stuff. Excellent machine, in truth.
You are in charge of your actions, Shawna. You cannot change other people, no matter how much you plan on publicly humiliating them or attempting to harm them.
This is the internet we're talking about here!
Some people don't take it seriously anyways!
Now relax and go enjoy your favorite snack or tasty drink!
Ouh yeah!
Ouh yeah!
/spews dr.pepper from
LOL shim
LMFAO I find this hilarious
I find this hilarious because there are now THREE, count em, THREE blogs filled with love!!!
We're all freakin hippies!!!
EDIT: Aha, well, part love here even though this blog was orginally for "annoying" people who aren't even annoying. Anyways, ALL THE TEF PEOPLE ARE AWESOME and no one can say shit about it ^^
By the way, you misspelled
Please, visit your
Please, visit your anti-post
>>>>>>> http://endlessforest.org/community/dear-community-members-love-lt3-yeah-i-had-do-it#new
This is not a troll feed It
Dear Shawna's
Thank you for this little vent post. I'm intreged by the names you chose.
I would like to know why you feel this is the case. If it is because these people get many comments on their work, then why the big issue, many of them have been here a while and have a good reputaion for there team spirit and work.
The site is not designed to be a popularity contest and everyone cant comment on every thing that is posted. esp if you have limited comp time.
Why should these people "Gtfo" of this site. Thats like asking them to leave the planet. Its a freeish world and in it you will always find people with more followers than others. it's not the end of the world.. it's life.
Please could yyou explain why you feel this way and perhaps we can as a community help you?
Small note not all players are female so you might wish to find a better and sligthly matture way to deal with issues.
Kind regards
Another possible annoying pest.
"There's no more love, for
^ How I feel right now.
LMAO. I flipped my chair over
Some words to think about: If you hate us so much, why are you still here?
Troll I am dissapoint. You
Troll I am dissapoint.
You forgot me ):
okay, first and last post I promise, I just made so many of these and I've been jumping at chances to use them.
This is so funny. It's so
It's so amusing to watch trolls, but this is getting seriously old.
Whoa, what the hell is this?!
It's just a troll Let's