This is so pretty. <3 I love the gentle feel to it, and then there's Isiel, who makes it unpredictable. I make no sense. xD But I think this is gorgeous, very well done. <3
Very beautiful Wake, though I wish you'd make your pictures bigger! ^^ Love the fur and the background, and the 'sparkles' whatever they may be really help make the image magical.
Great choice of music too ^^
I can't express how amazing this is, this is breathtakingly gorgeous, it really is.
-Gives a hug- Feel better.
And no, I don't feel alone, if you're asking me. (;3)
Because I have wonderful people like you to keep me company.
This. Is. Stunning! @__@ I can't put my thoughts into words now. I can only stare that beautiful drawing with weird expression on my face. This is one of the most incredible piece of art I've ever seen. <3
"With night comes a
This is so pretty. <3 I love the gentle feel to it, and then there's Isiel, who makes it unpredictable. I make no sense. xD But I think this is gorgeous, very well done. <3
Very beautiful Wake, though I
Great choice of music too ^^
This is so beautiful. I love
Oh that is so beautiful...
LOVELY. Amazing furr and details.
I can't express how amazing
-Gives a hug- Feel better.
And no, I don't feel alone, if you're asking me. (;3)
Because I have wonderful people like you to keep me company.
Verycrazygirl - Thank you
Shiori - I kind of made it bigger, but it wasn't a big picture to begin with. I make it smaller so I don't see all of the flaws. ;.;
Fincayra - Yes It would be nice, Isiel likes the dark so she is hoping it dims out a bit. And thank you. <3
Ashdrau - ;.; oh shucks -blush- Thank you.
toboe - Thank yoou <33 She does tend to get lonely but maybe that's just myself appearing through her.
This. Is. Stunning! @__@ I
This is amazing Looks so
it is quiet pretty i admire