Munkel was for a very short time in the forest yesterday. But she met her friend Atvana and also made a new one (She first didn'te even find Atvana >_<')
Munkel: "OMG I'm-I'm stuck! Atvana help!" D:
Atvana: *picking on the tree* >A<
Yes! Dovana was sitting with Lady Red and her friend. I noticed a certain deer running by. I for some reason do not have Munkel's pictogram memorized exactly (I might now though. xD) but I recognized her set instantly, and decided to follow. c: It was really, really nice seeing her/you in. I don't know if I ever had!
Rakkaus decided to come in right after. I had him on AIM and was telling him who you were. xD <3
Rakkaus had fun meeting
That danceline was awesome.
Yes! Dovana was sitting with
Rakkaus decided to come in right after. I had him on AIM and was telling him who you were. xD <3
I love the way you color-edit