
Peppa's picture
It's been downright POURING rain here. ...For three days!
My front yard is flooded. My Koi pond is flooded, but the Koi know not to swim out.
To top it off, it's thirty degrees and all this rainfall is supposed to become a buttload of snow this afternoon.
...lol k done being weird
Sorry for wasteing your lives again C;
PS Peppa should be growing up verrrrry soon, I think today.
Emiva's picture

Lol Here in MA its Snowin'

Lol Here in MA its Snowin' up a storm. D:
...and I thought spring was coming ;____;
-pouts in emo corner-

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3

Oo no! =( three

Oo no! =( three dais!


Haru's picture

It's sunny where I'm at but

It's sunny where I'm at but the weather is saying a chance of rain tomorrow and Wednesday o.O (Utah weather is really weird...)
Pegasicorn's picture

We're getting light snow

We're getting light snow here and it's supposed to get heavy so we get up to 5-10 inches. O.o

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
Emiva's picture

There might be no school

There might be no school tomorrow!!! 8D

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3