I noticed! 8D
That is such a cool idea for a signature. Cool idea, period.
{e} I love how even the ground changes under his feet, according to the season.
I have indeed noticed, and I think my favorite were the little nubs growing in winter c:
It's such a neat idea so you should be happy with yourself for doing it AND making it into a nifty gif.
That is awesome o:
Thank you.
I noticed! 8D That is such a
That is such a cool idea for a signature. Cool idea, period.
{e} I love how even the ground changes under his feet, according to the season.
!! That's crazy awesome!
That's crazy awesome!
I loved watching this, here
@Anjali: It shows how much of
@Quad: XD Thanks.
@Scythe: Glad it was interesting to watch. =]
I noticed it! 8D Awesome
Signature by Roo ♥
This is really neat!! What
I have indeed noticed, and I
It's such a neat idea so you should be happy with yourself for doing it AND making it into a nifty gif.
Nice! Make with Flash?
I've noticed and thought it
@Six: Thankies. 83 @ocean:
@ocean: Yes. Yes it is. B|
@Arborath: Just wanted to do something different.
@Fish: *is happy with herself* B| But seriously, thanks.
@Kiba: No, just an older version of PhotoShop. Though Flash is something I wanna get.
@Hraeth: I thought it'd be amusing to add that in. XD
I love his B( face when he's
*bows?* XD
Ooh, that's so cool! Love to
I noticed! I love it.
I love it.
Thats awesome. 8D I love how
@Sight: Thanks! =] It was fun
@Global: Thank you. ^^
@Bae: I like details like those.
Ohhh This is cool. 8D Nice
Thank you. =D